Silver Epoxy Carbon Epoxy a continuous mass ensuring long-term recording stability. Kwik-Cast is color-coded so mixing is foolproof. It can be applied and cured underneath mineral oil. The slight longer curing time (approx. 3 minutes) makes it more suitable for stationary preparations and in vitro tissue studies. science applications, peripheral nerve studies and similar biomedical applications. These new silicone elastomers also eliminate the mess and time involved in pre-mixing other commonly used formulations (such as Wacker SilGel of the mixer tip provided. It can then be applied directly to the tissue without further mixing. The curing time of these silicones is short, reli- able and reproducible thus eliminating potential costly guesswork when using other tissue adhesives. Furthermore, the curing process does not produce heat, which can otherwise cause tissue damage. WPI's silicone elastomers are much less toxic than dental silicone because they con- tain no surfactant additives. nated siloxane and platinum complex catalysts. They exhibit excep- tional low toxicity before, during and after curing. The traditional RTV silicone systems produce either acetic acid or alcohol during conden- sation; these compounds are toxic to living cells. In contrast, the only by-product of condensation from WPI's elastomers is a small amount of hydrogen gas, which was shown not to cause any effect on nerve activi- ty in highly sensitive peripheral nerves. Both elastomers cure on contact with the tissue. Currently, WPI provides rapid-curing silicone elastomers in two different formulas: and mechanical property (tear strength and elongation). The very short curing time (approx. 1 minute) make it especially useful for moving preparations. sealant. It is able to fill small Tear Strength Sivitz, et al., "Effect of acute and antecedent hypoglycemia on sympathetic neural activity and catecholamine responsiveness in normal rats." Diabetes. 50:1119-1125, 2001. Andrews and Kunze. "Voltage-gated K+ channels in chemoreceptor sensory neurons of rat petrosal ganglion." Brain Research, 897:199-203. April 2001. included connections which cannot be soldered, such as Ag/ AgCl pel lets. This widely used silver-filled epoxy features low viscosity and smooth flowing char ac- ter. Pure sil ver is dis persed in both res in and hard- en er. Cures in 15 min utes at 120 °C. Mix ra tio 1:1. May be premixed and fro zen for later use. and elevated temperatures. Ideal for elec tro stat ic discharge protection and EMI/RFI shield ing. 1:1 mix ratio. May be premixed and fro zen for later use. glue. UL ap proved. 110V 60Hz only. plas tic. Af ter cure, will with stand -55 to 200 °C. No mix ing re quired. A handy, gen er al pur pose lab o ra- to ry sealant. (Releases acetic acid during curing.) (non-acidic) use on metal, for en cap su lat ing small circuits on connectors. After cure, will withstand -55° to 200 °C. No mixing required. difficult-to-bond plastic surfaces. |