DAM80 Bio-Amplifier with active probe
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DAM Amplifier Series Datasheet
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- Very low internal noise
- Ultra quiet DC power supply — no AC required
- Intrinsic low susceptibility to ground loops
- Small footprint
- Cost-effective
- Electrostatic Discharge?Protection!
- Amplifying biopotentials from metal electrodes
- Brain slice field stimulation
- EAG (Electroantennogram)
- ERG (Electroretinogram)
DAM80 Features
- Battery powered to eliminate line noise
- High pass and low pass filtering
- Single ended or differential operation
- AC amplification only
- Includes low-noise headstage
- Variable output positioning
- Constructed of high quality components to ensure minimal intrinsic (shot) noise
- Portable
- Rack mountable
WPI’s DAM series amplifier’s are well known as a standard of the industry for extracellular potential amplification. These battery powered bio-amplifiers are designed with a compact chassis profile that enables the user to locate the unit closer to the preparation and thereby minimize long lead lengths which contribute to noise. Each amplifier is equipped with selectable high and low filters, and a position control to offset galvanic potentials which may develop during recording. A choice of models offer additional features that are useful for certain applications. The startup kit (included) is shown in the image.
DAM80 startup kit includes
- CBL102 Cable, BNC-to-3.5mm plug, 6 ft (2m) (two)
- 5469 Adapter, mini-banana to 0.031 skt. (two)
- 13388 Adapter, mini-banana to 2mm skt. (two)
- 3294 Cable, ground clip to wire, 3 ft
- 2033 Mini-banana plug, black
- 2034 Mini-banana plug, red
- 2035 Mini-banana plug solderable turrent (two)
- EP1 Ag/AgCl pellet (70 mm wire) 1mm diam x 2.5 mm long
- M3301EH Electrode Holder, 14cm (two)
- 5470 0.031-inch jack on 12-inch wire (package of 4)
Current Generation
The DAM80 is perfect for gated or manual current generation for histological marking, iontophoresis or cell stimulation. It includes a very low noise remote active headstage that is useful for very high impedance amplification utilizing glass or metal electrodes.
Remote active headstage
DAM80, an AC amplifier only, features a very low noise headstage probe which can be mounted in micromanipulators for up-close cortical recording, for extracellular recording from high impedance glass or metal microelectrodes. Also provides a gated current for tissue marking.
DAM series amplifiers can be used as standalone units on any tabletop, or use optional clamp-mounting hardware to locate them conveniently within the work area. Alternatively, a pair of amplifiers can be mounted into a standard equipment rack with a rack mount kit (#3484 ). A variety of hook up accessories are available to configure your application
Feature Comparision Chart
DAM50 | DAM80 | |
Input Mode | AC/DC | AC |
Input Configuration | Differential/Single Ended | Differential |
Gain Range | 100-10,000 (AC) 10-1,000 (DC) |
100 - 10,000 (AC) |
High/Low Filters | Yes | Yes |
Offset Position Control | Yes | Yes |
Current Generator | No | Yes |
Remote Active Headstage | No | Yes |
Output Connection | BNC | 3.5 mm mini phone |
Standard Input Connection | unterminated wire | Mini banana |
Power Supply | (2) 9V alkaline batteries | (2) 9V alkaline batteries |
INPUT IMPEDANCE | 1012 Ω, common mode and differential |
INPUT LEAKAGE CURRENT | 50 pA (typical) |
AC MODE NOISE | 0.4 µV RMS (2uV p-p) 0.1-100 Hz |
AC MODE NOISE | 2.6 µV RMS (10uV p-p) 1Hz-10 kH |
BANDWIDTH FILTER SETTINGS, AC Mode | Low frequency, 0.1, 1, 10, 300 Hz |
BANDWIDTH FILTER SETTINGS: AC Mode(DAM80) | High frequency, 0.1, 1, 3, 10 kHz |
OUTPUT CONNECTORS | 3.5 mm MiniPhone connector on DAM80 |
BATTERY TEST | Audible tone |
CALIBRATOR SIGNAL | 10 Hz square wave |
POSITION | Approximately 250 mV |
CURRENT SOURCE:DAM80: DC Generator | 0 to ±50 µA, variable |
EXTERNAL COMMAND | Input Voltage ±10 V commands |
AC or DC current waveform | ±50 µA max. amplitude @ 200 Ω |
BATTERIES | 2 x 9 V alkaline (included) |
DIMENSIONS:DAM80 | 17.8 x 10.2 x 4.4 cm |

Replacement Electrode Holder, 14 cm x 7.2 mm diameter.
Replacement Electrode f...
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