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Researcher, Electrothermal

WPI offer a wide range of products designed for those working in the life science industry but just as importantly they offer great customer support and possess great product knowledge.
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Micromanipulators Knowledgebase

Micromanipulators Knowledgebase

How to Extend the Life of Your Micromanipulator

How to Extend the Life of Your Micromanipulator

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How to Mount an Electrode Holder on Your Micromanipulator

How to Mount an Electrode Holder on Your Micromanipulator

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How to Adjust for Mechanical Drift in an M3301 Manual Micromanipulator

How to Adjust for Mechanical Drift in an M3301 Manual Micromanipulator

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How to Mount an M3301 Micromanipulator on a Tilt Base

How to Mount an M3301 Micromanipulator on a Tilt Base

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Magnetic Stands for Micromanipulators Give You An Extra Hand

Magnetic Stands for Micromanipulators Give You An Extra Hand

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Line Up! (Reading a Vernier Scale)

Line Up! (Reading a Vernier Scale)

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Imperial College
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