World Precision Instruments

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Researcher UCL, Institute of Ophthalmology

I am really impressed by your very high level of customer service. I got a problem of our pump recently and contacted the service. Julian Williams replied me immediately and tried to resolve the issue with good suggestions. Meanwhile, she loaned me a pump which enabled me to carry out my experime...
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Catalogues & Brochures

Catalogues & Brochures

Looking for information on WPI products or WPI catalogues?                                                                  You can download them all from right here.

World Precision Instruments Catalogues

download the WPI main catalog Download the WPI Surgical Instrument Catalog Download the Sterilization Baskets Catalog

Applications Brochures

 Download the Neuroscience Application brochure Download the Plant Sciences Application brochure Download the Zebrafish Applications brochureMicroinjection brochure


New Product Brochures

  New NANOLITER2020 Injector Microinjectors Brochure    

   Download the Cell encapsulation brochure Download the ECG Monitoring brochure Download the MICRO-ePORE brochure Download the Microdialysis brochure  Download the brochure for New Stereotaxic Instruments 



Personal Protective Equipment (PPE) Brochures

  Download the UV Tabletop Sterilizer brochure 



Surgical Instruments and Tools Brochures

        Download the brochure to see how easy it is to customize a surgical instrument kit



Spectroscopy/Optics Brochures

Download the CDOM brochure Download the Optics brochure Download the Optical pH Measurement System brochureDownload the LWCC5000 brochure Download the QVLUXDUV Optical Fiber brochure



WPI Plans and Programs Brochures

 Download the Extended Warranty brochure Download the New Lab Startup brochure


Our Clients Include:

University College London
Imperial College
University of Cambridge
University of Oxford

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