How to Mount an Electrode Holder on Your Micromanipulator
The M3301 is a popular micromanipulator used for laboratory research. Here we will show you how to mount a microelectrode holder on the M3301 Micromanipulator. The procedure is very similar for most manual micromanipulators.
In this video, we use the popular M3301 Micromanipulator to demonstrate how to mount a standard electrode holder. This M3301 is mounted on an M-3 Tilt Base which allows you to position it the way you want. The Tilt Base is mounted on a 5-lb. Weighted Base (WPI #5464) for stability. To mount the microelectrode holder on the micromanipulator:
- Loosen the knurled thumb screw on the top of the micromanipulator.
- Slide your microelectrode holder under the clamp and position where you want it.
- Tighten the knurled thumb screw.