WPI offers Cellix Biochips for a wide range of applications across the life sciences including biofilm studies, shear stress studies, ligand studies, rolling and adhesion assays, and single cell studies.
Biochips For Cell Adhesion & Culture Under Flow
- Suitable for cell receptor–ligand studies under conditions mimicking physiological flow
Vena8 Fluoro+ biochips contain 8 parallel enclosed microcapillaries for continuous flow cell-based assays. Each microcapillary may be coated with a different adhesion molecule. Cell suspensions may then be injected using Cellix’s microfluidic pumps which supports a range of shear stresses for dynamic flow-based assays. Vena8 Fluoro+ biochips are particularly suited for applications requiring fluorescent immunostaining or confocal microscopy observation combined with flow-based experiments.
- Suitable for cell-primary endothelial cell studies and mimicking physiological flow
Vena8 Endothelial+ biochips contain 8 parallel enclosed microcapillaries for culturing primary endothelial cells and continuous flow cell-based assays. Primary endothelial cells are cultured, and cell suspensions may then be injected using Cellix’s microfluidic pumps which supports a range of shear stresses / shear flow rates for dynamic flow-based assays
- Suitable for for cell rolling and adhesion on proteins; seeding of cells or microbes enabling subsequent study of drug interaction, imaging or molecular biology studies under shear flow
Vena8 With Glass Coverslip biochip with/without coverslip adhered; with/without treatment for cell rolling and adhesion on proteins; seeding of cells or microbes enabling subsequent study of drug interaction, imaging or molecular biology studies under shear flow. Compatible with brightfield, phase contrast imaging, immunofluorescence and confocal microscopy.
Biochips For Transmigration
- Suitable for cell migration, transmigration, invasion and chemotaxis studies
VenaT4 biochips contain 4 parallel enclosed microcapillaries separated from 4 underlying microwells via a membrane with pores sizes of 2–10 µm. Applications include migration, transmigration, invasion and chemotaxis studies of leukocytes across the membrane embedded into the biochip. ECM proteins can be coated onto the membrane separating the flow channel and microwell containing the chemokine well. Cell suspensions may then be injected using Cellix’s microfluidic pumps which supports a range of shear stresses / shear flow rates for dynamic flow-based assays. Leukocyte migration can be observed under conditions of continuously applied shear stress to mimic hysiological conditions of blood vessels.
Biochips For Droplet Generation & Microfluidics
- Suitable for for high throughput generation of microdroplets and monodispersed emulsions
DropChips contain three “droplet generators” and one “splitter” (Y-junction channel) for splitting the continuous phase (oil or water). The channel surface properties are optimized according to the type of application:
- Hydrophobic channels for water-in-oil (W/O) droplets
- Hydrophilic channels for oil-in-water (O/W) and gas-in-water droplets
Frequency and size of the droplets can vary depending on several factors: channel dimensions; flow rates; oil type; surfactant type and surfactant concentration

Biochips For Cell Adhesion & Culture Under Flow
WPI offers Cellix Biochips for a wide range of applications across the life sciences...

Biochips For Transmigration
Biochips suitable for cell migration, transmigration, invasion and chemotaxis studie...

Biochips For Droplet Generation & Microfluidics
Droplet generation studies are rapidly growing due to the significant advantages the...