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John Dolan, University of Hertfordshire

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Biochips For Transmigration

Biochips For Transmigration

Biochips suitable for cell migration, transmigration, invasion and chemotaxis studies.

Biochips For Transmigration

Vena T4

Chemotaxis, Transmigration, Invasion Assays, Organ-on-Chip, Culture on-chip.

Each biochip contains 4 capillaries in parallel with a membrane of pore size 2-10 um diameter separating them from a microwell underneath.  Chemoattractants can be placed inside the well for subsequent study of cell migration through the membrane under shear flow.

  • Under shear flow
  • Cell adhesion and transmigration under shear flow
  • Transmigration through microporous membrane into underlying microwell which may contain chemoattractant
  • Channel sizes:  400 µm (width) x 100 µm (depth)
  • Pores sizes:  choice of 2 µm; 5 µm; 8 µm or 10 µm

 VenaT4 Biochip Technical Notes


VenaT4 Biochip Protocol Notes


Product Code Product Description
VT4-400-100-2-1P10 VenaT4 Biochip Pack 10

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VenaT4 Biochip Pack 10

Each biochip contains 4 capillaries in parallel with a membrane of pore size 2-10 um diameter separating them from a microwell underneath.  Chemoattractants can be placed inside the well for subsequent study of cell migration through the membrane under shear flow.  

Each pack contains 10 biochips = 40 assays.  

Pore size choices:  2um; 5um; 8um or 10um.

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Sample VenaT4 Biochip Pack 2

2 x VenaT4 biochips.

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University College London
Imperial College
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