Manual Micromanipulator (right-handed)
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- Sure, repeatable movement without drift
- Vernier scales allow readings to 0.1mm & x-axis fine control allows readings to 10 μm
- Control knobs project to rear and are located in same vertical plane
- Tool holder suitable for handle diameter down to 6.4 mm OD
- Lightweight (550 g)
The world's most widely used micromanipulator
The M3301 manipulator outsells all others worldwide for high precision experiments where magnification is in the range of up to 250x.
The M3301 is a popular Manual Micromanipulator, because it is accurate, well-engineered and lightweight, at just 550 g. It's solid micromanipulator design delivers smooth, repeatable movements without drift. It has a slim, space-saving design. Units can stand tightly grouped, as all control knobs project to the rear. Resolution is quick because the control knobs are clustered within an 8 cm area in a single vertical plane. The hand works blindly while the eye monitors the microscopic image. Vernier scales allow readings to 0.1 mm. x-axis fine control allows readings to 10μm.
The instrument employs rack-and-pinion drive, v-shaped guideways, and cross roller bearings, so all movement is sure and repeatable, without drift, sideplay, backlash, or sticking. Contact parts are milled of hardened steel for high performance and long life. Left- or right-handed versions of the M3301 are supplied with a standard 12 mm clamp (M2) and one microelectrode holder (M3301EH). To complete the setup order stand or base separately (M10 Magnetic Stand, M-3 tilting base stand, M4C Microscope Stage Adapter)
Travel Range: X-axis Fine | 10 mm |
Travel Range: X-axis | 37 mm |
Travel Range: Y-axis | 20 mm |
Travel Range: Z-axis | 25 mm |
Resolution: X-axis Fine | 0.01 |
Resolution: X-axis | 0.1 mm |
Resolution: Y-axis | 0.1 mm |
Resolution: Z-axis | 0.1 mm |
Shipping Weight: | 1.4 kg |

Replacement Electrode Holder, 14 cm x 7.2 mm diameter.
Replacement Electrode f...
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