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Researcher, University of Bristol

Our lab was interested in purchasing a syringe pump from WPI. The company's support was helpful in identifying the required model and even informed us of model-specific limitations (which were of no concern for our intended use). The overall processing and delivery was exceedingly fast – less tha...
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Home  > Products  > Brands  > CellScale


WPI partner with CellScale to offer an extensive range of mechanical testing, cell stimulation and microphysiological systems for characterizing the mechanical properties of biomaterials.

Browse WPI Biomaterial Testing to view CellScale and other products including

Mechanical Test Systems

CellScales range of mechanical test systems optimized for characterizing the mechanical properties of biomaterials. Features like environmental chambers and imaging are integral system functions, not afterthoughts. For needs ranging from micro-scale compression to biaxial tension, our systems provide cutting edge results.

Cell & Tissue Stimulation

Our MechanoCulture bioreactors provide insights into the response of cells and tissues to mechanical stimulation.

  • MechanoCulture MCJ1 – 6 specimen tension stimulation

  • MechanoCulture MCTX – 6 specimen compression stimulation

  • MechanoCulture MCTR – 9 specimen hydrostatic stimulation

  • MechanoCulture MCFX – 16 well uniaxial stimulation with microscopy

  • MechanoCulture MCB1  – biaxial stimulation

  • MechanoCulture MCT6 – 6 specimen uniaxial stimulation

  • MechanoCulture MCTM – large volume tension with microscopy

CellScale Product Overview

CellScale Product Overview Download product overview of the CellScale range

Top CellScale Products

CellScale Applications

See how some of our customer have used CellScale products

Cardiovascular Tissue Testing at KU Leuven

Zebrafish Embryo Cell Spheroid Compression Testing

Dermal Fibroblast Stimulation at the Association of Dutch Burn Centres




BiOTESTER: A fully equipped biaxial test system built specifically for biomaterials,...

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BiOTESTER: A fully equipped biaxial test system built specifically for biomaterials

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UniVert 1KN - Universal uniaxial mechanical tester (high force)

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UniVert S - Universal Uniaxial Mechanical Tester

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Mechanoculture T6 - High force uniaxial stimulation of 6 parallel specimens

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MechanoCulture B1 - Biaxial stimulation of a cells in a monolayer or 3D matrix

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MechanoCulture FX , 16-well cell culture bioreactor with unaxial stretching and real...

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MCJ1 Bioreactor

MCJ1 Bioreactor

MechanoCulture MCJ1 – 6 specimen tension stimulation

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MechanoCulture MCTR – 9 specimen hydrostatic stimulation

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Mechanoculture TX - 6 specimen compression stimulation

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MT G2 MicroTester

MT G2 MicroTester

The MicroTester is a micro-scale mechanical test system that does what others can&rs...

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MT LT MicroTester

MT LT MicroTester

The MicroTester is a micro-scale mechanical test system that does what others can&rs...

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Our Clients Include:

University College London
Imperial College
University of Cambridge
University of Oxford

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