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Dr Andy MacKenzie, University of the West of Scotland

I have had dealings with WPI for several years and have consistently found their customer service to be second-to-none. They have always provided fast and insightful responses to any technical query and such support has been of enormous help to my laboratory.
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Force Transducer 10g

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FORT10G Instruction Manual
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  • 10g force transducer
  • Broad dynamic measurement range


FORT10g is a reliable tool for high precision force measurement. Using balanced semiconductor strain gauges, this 10-gram force transducer produces linear output voltage versus applied force input with very little deflection. It is a temperature-compensated, full-bridge configuration with four high sensitivity semiconductor strain gauges. FORT10g has a broad dynamic measuring range and a very high sensitivity. The arms around the sensing leaf are designed to protect the leaf from an accidental touch which will disturb the force calibration and may damage the transducer.


Force Range, full scale  0-10g
Output Sensitivity 10mv/g@10V, 1000μV/volt/g, nominal
INPUT & OUTPUT Resistance 1500MΩ
Resolution < 1mg
Resonant Frequency 450 Hz
Linearity Error  < 0.2% of full scale
Maximum Operating Voltage 10VDC (-5V ~ +5V or 0 ~ 10V)
MAXIMUM APPLIED FORCE 2x rated full scale force
DRIFT   < 30mg/hr

40 x 22 x 19mm
Handle 88mm x 9.78mm diameter
3mm hole in leaf

Weight 100g




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