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Janice Carter, University of Cambridge

The person in WPI I deal with is Julian Williams and he has been very helpful in sorting out any problems we may have and finding items that we require. He is very pleasant to deal with and I have used WPI for the last 8 years and I am very happy with the service that they provide us.
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MechanoCulture MCTR – 9 specimen hydrostatic stimulation

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High throughput hydrostatic pressure stimulation

The MCTR provides hydrostatic compression to 9 specimens in individual wells. Pressure up to 500 kPa can be programmed onto the device. The transparent culture wells allow for visual confirmation of correct specimen loading and real-time imaging during the test if desired.  The specimen chamber plate can be sterilized and the system is suitable for long-term cell culture in a laboratory incubator.

Key Features

  • Hydrostatic compression stimulation for up to 9 culture wells
  • Pressure-controlled loading up to 500kPa at 0.5Hz
  • User-friendly interface software for specifying simple, cyclic, and intermittent stimulation protocols for upload to the device controller

HydroStatic Compression

Hydrostatic compression is achieved by filling the culture well to the top with media. Pressurizing the top chamber results in the flexible membrane deflecting downwards to press against the surface of the liquid.

MCTR Hydrostatic Demonstration


Dimensions 14 x 14 x 9cm
Weight 1kg
Stimulation Mode
Hydrostatic Pressure Stimulation
Configuration Constructs up to 20mm diameter/width
Maximum Pressure 500kPa
Maximum Cycle Frequency 0.5 Hz




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Szojka, A., Li, D. X., Sopcak, M., Ma, Z., Kunze, M., Mulet-Sierra, A., Adeeb, S. M., Westover, L., Jomha, N. M., & Adesida, A. B.  (2021). Mechano-Hypoxia Conditioning of Engineered Human Meniscus.  Frontiers in bioengineering and biotechnology vol. 9 739438. 3 Sep. 2021, doi:10.3389/fbioe.2021.739438

Elena Cambria,Sally Heusser,Ariane C. Scheuren,Wai Kit Tam,Agnieszka A. Karol,Wolfgang Hitzl,Victor Y. Leung,Ralph Müller,Stephen J. Ferguson,Karin Wuertz-Kozak (2021). TRPV4 mediates cell damage induced by hyperphysiological compression and regulates COX2/PGE2 in intervertebral discs. JOR spine vol. 4,3 e1149. 6 May. 2021, doi:10.1002/jsp2.1149

C. Ludovica, G. Mattei, A. Ahluwalia (2020). A New Load-controlled Testing Method for Viscoelastic Characterisation Through Stress-rate Measurements. Materialia, Volume 9, 2020, 100552, ISSN 2589-1529

Cambria, E., Brunner, S., Heusser, S., Fisch, P., Hitzl, W., Ferguson, S.J. and Wuertz-Kozak, K. (2020). Cell-laden agarose-collagen composite hydrogels for mechanotransduction studies. Frontiers in bioengineering and biotechnology vol. 8 346. 21 Apr. 2020, doi:10.3389/fbioe.2020.00346

Sit, B., Feng, Z., Xanthis, I., Marhuenda, E., Zingaro, S., Shanahan, C., Jones, G., Yu, C.H. and Iskratsch, T. (2020). Matrix stiffness and blood pressure together regulate vascular smooth muscle cell phenotype switching and cofilin dependent podosome formation. bioRxiv 2020.12.27.424498; 

C. Ludovica (2019). Advanced In-vitro Models with Integrated Sensing for Real-time Monitoring of Electrical and Mechanical Properties of Cellular Constructs.

A. Sensini, L. Christofolini, A. Zucchelli, M. L. Focarete, C. Gualandi, A. De Mori, A. P. Kao, M. Roldo, G. Blunn, G. Tozzi (2019). Hierarchical Electrospun Tendon-ligament Bioinspired Scaffolds Induce Changes in Fibroblasts Morphology under Static and Dynamic Conditions. Journal of microscopy vol. 277,3 (2020): 160-169. doi:10.1111/jmi.12827




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