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Endozime Enzymatic Detergent, 500mL

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Multi-Tiered Enzymatic Detergent with Advanced Proteolytic Action and Rust Inhibitors

  • Advanced Proteolytic Action - Increased protein enzyme activity
  • Proprietary blend of enzymes designed to remove all bio-burden - blood, carbohydrates, protein, polysaccharides, fats, starches, oils, uric acid and other nitrogenous compounds
  • Biologically active additives speed the process of liquefaction and solubilization


  • Inhibits rust
  • Safe for use on all surgical instruments and scopes. It will not harm any metals, plastic, rubber or corrugated tubing.
  • Low-sudsing, neutral pH, non-abrasive, free rinsing and 100% biodegradable


  • Endozime is specifically designed for use in all washers, washer sterilizers, ultrasonic cleaners and manual cleaning protocols.

Endozime AW® was designed for customers who are susceptible to allergic reactions when using cleaning chemicals containing dye. It contains a proprietary formulation of protease, amylase, lipase, carbohydrase and enzymes with A.P.A. (Advanced Proteolytic Action), which removes all soil and inhibits rust. Endozime AW® increases protein enzyme activity to provide a faster more thorough penetration into hard to reach places on surgical instruments and scopes.





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