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WPI provided a very professional, supportive and quick service upon purchasing several pieces of scientific equipment.
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Continuous Flow Solutions For Aladdin Syringe Pumps

Continuous Flow Solutions For Aladdin Syringe Pumps

Learn how to setup Aladdin Syringe Pumps in continuous flow configurations

Next Generation Continuous Pumping

  • Eliminate flow rate pauses and drop-off common when using push-pull syringe pumps

Next Generation Continuous Pumping With Aladdin Syringe Pumps

Eliminate flow rate pauses and drop-offs common when push-pull style pumping systems change directions. With this "Next Generation" system, the refilling syringe fills at a faster rate then the infusing syringe, giving it time to prime the syringe and/or overlap the infusion to create a seamless transition between syringes. The smoothness of the transition between syringes can be fine tuned by adjusting the infusion rate, refill rate, priming rate, prime volume and overlap volume parameters.


  • Two syringe pumps from the advanced Aladdin range (AL-1000X)
    • These syringe pumps come with added functionality over the standard Aladdin range
  • Cable CBL-DUAL-3
  • Complete your system by adding the continuous infusion plumbing kit P-DKIT


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