From our early beginnings in 1967 working with Yale researchers, electrophysiology has been at the heart of our business. WPI amplifiers, stimulators and isolators are designed with quality components so you get a reliable, low-noise signal every time. Our time-tested designs give you affordable solutions for electrophysiology equipment, electrodes, data acquisition and accessories for applications like:
- Intracellular/Extracellular Recording
- Voltage Clamp for Ussing
- Stimulation and Isolation
- Optogenetics
- Digital Filtering
Electrophysiology is study of the flow of ions in living tissue, that is the electrical properties of cells and tissues, measuring voltage change of a biological entity from a single ion channel proteins to an organ (for example, heart). Micro electrodes (glass pipette filled with an electrolyte) are placed inside a single cell for intracellular measurement and near the surface of a cell or in a preparation for extracellular measurement. Our newest product (Cardiophys ECG) is designed for cardiac electrophysiology and measures ECG in laboratory models as small as 2-cell zebrafish.
Researchers count on WPI for tried and true electrophysiology lab equipment.

Pipette Pullers
Glass micropipettes are precisely constructed microtools forming the basis of a myriad ...
Rat Stereotaxic U-Frame with 18° Ear Bars, includes:
- U-Frame
- 100 micron 3-axes, left-hand manipulator arm
- Rat adaptor; standard 18° ear bars, corner clamp probe holder

FluoroDish, Glass Bottom, Clear Wall, 35 mm, 23 mm Well, Individually Packed, Steril...