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Researcher, University of Bristol

Our lab was interested in purchasing a syringe pump from WPI. The company's support was helpful in identifying the required model and even informed us of model-specific limitations (which were of no concern for our intended use). The overall processing and delivery was exceedingly fast – less tha...
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Mechanoculture TX - 6 specimen compression stimulation

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The MCTX can uniaxially compress 3-dimensional specimens in 6 independent wells.  A user-specified loading protocol is enacted by the system and the resulting force-displacement data is recorded to determine the stiffness profile of each specimen as a function of time.  The transparent culture wells allow for visual confirmation of correct specimen loading and real-time imaging during the test if desired.  The specimen chamber plate can be sterilized and the system is suitable for long-term cell culture in a laboratory incubator.

Key Features

  • Compression stimulation of 6 culture wells in a reusable holder.
  • Displacement-controlled loading up to 2 mm at 2Hz
  • Simultaneous position measurement on all wells with 1µm resolution
  • User-friendly interface software for specifying simple, cyclic, and intermittent stimulation protocols for download to the device controller

This will be the feed from an external API...


16 X 19 X 16 cm


4.1 kg

Specimen Dimensions

Up to 20 mm diameter/width and 25 mm thick

Number of wells


Available load cells

10 N – 100 N

Force Accuracy

Approx. 0.2% of transducer capacity

Maximum Displacement

2 mm

Maximum Velocity

4 mm/s

Maximum Cycle Frequency

2 Hz



Mechanoculture T6 - High force uniaxial stimulation of 6 parallel specimens

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Mechanoculture TX - 6 specimen compression stimulation

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