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Researcher, University of Bristol

Our lab was interested in purchasing a syringe pump from WPI. The company's support was helpful in identifying the required model and even informed us of model-specific limitations (which were of no concern for our intended use). The overall processing and delivery was exceedingly fast – less tha...
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LWCC-3000 Series

LWCC-3000 Series

LWCC-3000 Brochure

LWCC-3000 Series Instruction Manual

The LWCC-3000 series is a high sensitivity, microliter sample volume flow cell for UV/VIS/NIR absorbance analysis where the analyte solution funtions as the core of a fluid filled light waveguide. These are ideal in biochemistry, drug discovery, stopped-flow injection, flow-injection analysis, gas segmented continuous flow analysis and water monitoring (environmental, oceanic, and drinking water).



  • Flowcell for absorbance and turbidity
  • Wide choice of pathlengths
  • UV and VIS and NIR
  • SMA 905 fiber coupled
  • Measure liquids in a continuous flow or using discrete samples


  • Efficient measurement of low-volume or low-concentration (ppb-ppt) aqueous samples.
  • Functions with most liquids(with the exception of perfluorinated solvents) having a refractive index ≥ 1.30
  • Measure liquids in a continuous flow or using discrete samples
  • Absorbance measurements can be performed in the UV, VIS, and NIR ranges to detect low sample concentrations in a lab or process environment.


  • Trace detection of nutrients (nitrite, nitrate, phosphate, iron) in seawater
  • Environmental and oceanographic monitoring
  • Drinking water analysis
  • Colored dissolved organic matter (CDOM)
  • Process control

Selection Table

Model Optical Pathlength Internal Volume Transmission @254nm Transmission @540nm Noise [mAU] Maximum Pressure
LWCC-3050 50 cm 125 µl ≥ 20% ≥ 35% ≤ 0.1 100 psi
LWCC-3100 100 cm 250 µl ≥ 10% ≥ 30% ≤ 0.2
LWCC-3250 250 cm 625 µl ≥ 1% ≥ 30% ≤ 0.1
LWCC-3500 500 cm 1250 µl - ≥ 20% ≤ 1.0
  • Wetted Materials: Peek, PTFE, Fused Silica
  • Liquid Ports: Standard 10-32 Coned Port Fitting
  • Fiber Connection: 600 µm SMA
  • Transmission reference: Two 500 μm fibers, butt-coupled



500cm Liquid Waveguide Capillary Flow Cell

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250cm Liquid Waveguide Capillary Flow Cell

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50cm Liquid Waveguide Capillary Flow Cell

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100cm Liquid Waveguide Capillary Flow Cell

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