World Precision Instruments

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Janice Carter, University of Cambridge

The person in WPI I deal with is Julian Williams and he has been very helpful in sorting out any problems we may have and finding items that we require. He is very pleasant to deal with and I have used WPI for the last 8 years and I am very happy with the service that they provide us.
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Iris scissors

Iris scissors

  • Iris scissors
  • 11 cm (4.25") Long
  • SuperCut
  • Stainless steel with ceramic coating


Order code Tip Shape
504487 Straight
504500 Curved

Why Use a Ceramic Coating?

Coating surgical instruments with a black ceramic offers several distinct advantages. First, the coating adds a thin layer to the metal instrument that actually makes the instrument harder, offering surgeons greater precision and perfection. This anti-glare surface minimizes any reflection off the surface of the instrument. In addition, the ceramic coating is incredibly smooth, which improves the instruments resistance to corrosion. The smooth surface also minimizes friction. The reduced wear and tear means coated instruments last considerably longer. It is nearly impossible to penetrate the ceramic coating, because the raw material is bonded to the instrument both physically and chemically. The black coated instruments are much more resilient to the pressure of daily use and chemical processing.

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Iris scissors, 11cm, SuperCut, Ceramic Coated, Straight

  • Iris scissors
  • 11 cm (4.25") Long
  • SuperCut
  • Stainless steel with ceramic coating

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Iris scissors, 11cm, SuperCut, Ceramic Coated, Curved

  • Iris scissors
  • 11 cm (4.25") Long
  • SuperCut
  • Stainless steel with ceramic coating

Our Clients Include:

University College London
Imperial College
University of Cambridge
University of Oxford

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