World Precision Instruments

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Janice Carter, University of Cambridge

The person in WPI I deal with is Julian Williams and he has been very helpful in sorting out any problems we may have and finding items that we require. He is very pleasant to deal with and I have used WPI for the last 8 years and I am very happy with the service that they provide us.
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Nail Nippers, 14cm, Double Concave Jaw

Nail Nippers, 14cm, Double Concave Jaw

  • 14 cm (5.5") Long
  • Double spring
  • Concave jaws
  • Stainless steel


Order code Stainless steel grade
500362 Nail Nippers, Standard
500362-G Nail Nippers, German

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Nail Nippers, Concave Jaws 14cm

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Nail nippers, concave jaws, double spring, 14 cm long

Our Clients Include:

University College London
Imperial College
University of Cambridge
University of Oxford

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