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Dr Andy MacKenzie, University of the West of Scotland

I have had dealings with WPI for several years and have consistently found their customer service to be second-to-none. They have always provided fast and insightful responses to any technical query and such support has been of enormous help to my laboratory.
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Speculums are ADJUSTABLE or FIXED and they come in stainless steel or titanium. Speculums are vital for any eye surgery or micro surgical procedure.

Liebermann Speculum, Self-Retaining

Liebermann Speculum, Self-Retaining

  • 7 cm (2.8 in.) Long
  • 15 mm Wire Blades
  • 6 cm Maximum Spread
  • <...

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Jansen Retractor

Jansen Retractor

  • 11.5cm (4.5") Long
  • 3 x 3 Blunt Prongs
  • Maximum spread of 3cm

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Knapp Speculum

Knapp Speculum

  • 8.3 cm (3.25") Long
  • 15 x 6 mm Blades
  • Maximum spread: 4.6 cm

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ALM Self-Retaining Retractor

ALM Self-Retaining Retractor

  • 7cm (2.75") Long
  • L-shaped prongs 3mm x 3mm
  • 4x4 Prongs
  • M...

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Stevenson Retractor

Stevenson Retractor

  • 8cm (3") Long
  • 3x3 Prongs
  • 3mm Deep
  • Maximum spread of 15m...

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Goldstein Retractor

Goldstein Retractor

  • 3 x 3 Sharp Prongs
  • Small, self-retaining retractor perfect for small an...

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Barraquer Retractor

Barraquer Retractor

  • 4 cm (1.5") Long
  • 10x4 mm Wire blades
  • 7 mm Depth
  • Maximum...

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KD Mouse/Rat Eye Speculum

KD Mouse/Rat Eye Speculum

  • Stainless steel

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Wire Speculum, 4cm

Wire Speculum, 4cm

  • 4cm (1.6") Long
  • Maximum spread: 15mm

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Wire Speculum, 5cm

Wire Speculum, 5cm

  • 5cm long
  • 10x5mm Blades
  • 5mm Depth
  • Stainless Steel

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  • Ovariectomy Hook, 16 cm long

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Alm Self-Retaining Retractor, 7cm

  • 7 cm (2.75") Long
  • 2 x 2 Prongs
  • Maximum spread: 5.6 cm
  • Smaller, thinner prongs for use on mouse/rat eyelids

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Retractor, Agricola, 4cm

  • 4cm (1.6") Long
  • 3 x 3 Sharp Prongs
  • Small, self-retaining retractor, perfect for small animal surgery and dissection
  • Maximum spread: 2.5cm
  • Stainless steel

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ALM Self-Retaining Retractor, 7cm, Loop Prongs

    For Soft tissue Retraction
  • 7cm (2.75") Long
  • Loop prongs
  • Knurled Thumb Screw

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Self-Retaining Retractor, 7.5cm, Square Blade

  • 7.5cm (3") Long
  • 1.2cm Square blade
  • Maximum spread: 3cm

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Wire Speculum, 4.5cm, 13.5mm Blades, Titanium

  • 4.5cm (1.75") Long
  • 13.5mm Blades
  • Maximum spread: 20mm
  • Titanium

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Liebermann Speculum Black, 15mm Blades

  • w-wire LID tension adjustable with thumb-screw control

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University College London
Imperial College
University of Cambridge
University of Oxford

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