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Bill Franks, University of Liverpool

With such a good knowledge base of their products and field of operation I know that there is always a quick answer at the end of a phone.
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Jansen Retractor

Jansen Retractor

  • 11.5cm (4.5") Long
  • 3 x 3 Blunt Prongs
  • Maximum spread of 3cm
  • Stainless Steel


Order code Stainless steel grade
501770 Jansen Retractor, Standard
501770-G Jansen Retractor, German

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Jansen Retractor, 11.5cm, 3x3 prongs, blunt

  • 11.5cm (4.5") Long
  • 3 x 3 Blunt Prongs
  • Maximum spread of 3cm

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Jansen Retractor, 11.5cm, 3x3 prongs, blunt (German)

  • 11.5cm (4.5") Long
  • 3 x 3 Blunt Prongs
  • Maximum spread of 3cm

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University College London
Imperial College
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