World Precision Instruments

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Dr Andy MacKenzie, University of the West of Scotland

I have had dealings with WPI for several years and have consistently found their customer service to be second-to-none. They have always provided fast and insightful responses to any technical query and such support has been of enormous help to my laboratory.
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Veterinary Sciences

Veterinary Sciences

Here are a variety of instruments and equipment frequently required by veterinarians.

Animal Temperature Control

Animal Temperature Control

Keeping anesthestized animals warm during research procedures is critical. WPI's ATC...

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External Fixation Pins

External Fixation Pins

Here is a set of external fixation pins for veterinary applications.

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Orthopaedic Instruments

Orthopaedic Instruments

Here you can find the basic Orthopedic Instruments for use in veterinary surgery.

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Screws & Plates

Screws & Plates

These orthopedic screws and plates are designed for metacarpal, metatarsal and foot ...

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Veterinary Dentistry

Veterinary Dentistry

These veterinary surgical instruments are designed for use in veterinary dentistry.

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Veterinary Instruments

Veterinary Instruments

These surgical instruments may be used for veterinary surgery, along with a large va...

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University College London
Imperial College
University of Cambridge
University of Oxford

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