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Researcher, University of Manchester

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Rodent Matrices

Rodent Matrices

A wide choice of rodent matrices for brain, heart, tumour and spinal cord


  • both stainless steel and acrylic
  • for use with rats and mice (3 sizes)
  • for sagittal or coronal slicing
  • You get repeatable sections with 0.5 or 1 mm spacing, depending on the model

Rodent Brain Matrices - Stainless Steel

Rodent Brain Matrices - Stainless Steel

  • Repeatable sections, 0.5 or 1.0 mm spacing
  • Can be chilled and autoclave...

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Rodent Brain Matrices - Acrylic

Rodent Brain Matrices - Acrylic

  • Repeatable sections, 1mm spacing
  • Can be chilled and sterilized
  • ...

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Rodent Heart Matrices

Rodent Heart Matrices

Heart Matrices are precisely machined to ensure reproducible 0.5mm or 1mm sections o...

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Spinal Cord Matrices

Spinal Cord Matrices

Spinal Cord Matrices are precisely machined to ensure reproducible 0.5mm or 1mm sect...

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Tumour matrices

Tumour matrices

Tumor Tissue Matrices are precisely machined to ensure reproducible 0.5mm sections o...

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University College London
Imperial College
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