Rodent Matrices
A wide choice of rodent matrices for brain, heart, tumour and spinal cord
- both stainless steel and acrylic
- for use with rats and mice (3 sizes)
- for sagittal or coronal slicing
- You get repeatable sections with 0.5 or 1 mm spacing, depending on the model

Rodent Brain Matrices - Stainless Steel
- Repeatable sections, 0.5 or 1.0 mm spacing
- Can be chilled and autoclave...

Rodent Brain Matrices - Acrylic
- Repeatable sections, 1mm spacing
- Can be chilled and sterilized
- ...

Rodent Heart Matrices
Heart Matrices are precisely machined to ensure reproducible 0.5mm or 1mm sections o...

Spinal Cord Matrices
Spinal Cord Matrices are precisely machined to ensure reproducible 0.5mm or 1mm sect...

Tumour matrices
Tumor Tissue Matrices are precisely machined to ensure reproducible 0.5mm sections o...