World Precision Instruments

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Researcher UCL, Institute of Ophthalmology

I am really impressed by your very high level of customer service. I got a problem of our pump recently and contacted the service. Julian Williams replied me immediately and tried to resolve the issue with good suggestions. Meanwhile, she loaned me a pump which enabled me to carry out my experime...
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Scalpels & Knives

Scalpels & Knives

Looking for scalpels or surgical knives for your research laboratory? We have disposable knives, sapphire blades, and standard scalpel blades and blade handles.

Disposable Knives

Disposable Knives

Disposable knives, scalpels and lancets are an affordable solution for sterile surgi...

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Sapphire Knives

Sapphire Knives

Clear blade increases view of tissue&nd...

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Scalpel Blades

Scalpel Blades

Used for skin incisions

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Scalpel Handles

Scalpel Handles

A variety of scalpel handles and razor blade holders are available here.

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Our Clients Include:

University College London
Imperial College
University of Cambridge
University of Oxford

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