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Microinjection Syringe Pump/SMARTouch Controller

Microinjection Syringe Pump/SMARTouch Controller

Delivering picoliter volumes precisely

  • Graphic display with SMARTouch™ touch screen controller for "intelligent", easy to use interface controlling up to four microliter syringe pumps
  • Splash proof touch screen
  • User configurable mounting bar
  • Dual mode motor drive
  • Compatible with all UMP, UMP2 and UMP3 micro syringe pumps
  • Optional foot switch available
  • 5 digit display


Order code Description
UMP3 UltraMicroPump3 ONLY (without controller)
UMP3T-1 UltraMicroPump3 (one) and SMARTouch Controller
UMP3T-2 UltraMicroPump3 (two) and SMARTouch Controller
MICRO2T SMARTouch Controller ONLY, Two-Channel

Note on Accessory

*13142 is the foot pedal for use with the MICRO2T/MICRO4T ONLY. It is not compatible with the old MICRO4 controller, which uses the 15867 foot pedal. The two foot pedals are not cross-compatible.


  • Accepts a wide range of microinjection syringes from 0.5 ul to 1000 ul.
  • Manual or automated injections
  • Quiet operation for electrophysiology recordings
  • Mounts directly on micromanipulator or stereotaxic frame
  • Nominal injections down to 1 nL
  • Rapid setup with intuitive touchscreen controller


  • Microinjection
  • Neuroscience
  • Microfluidics
  • Micro delivery of biochemical agents or dyes
  • Intravitreal Injection (with RPE-KIT)
  • Intraoccular Injection (with IO-KIT)

The UltraMicroPump3 (UMP3) is a versatile microinjection syringe pump which uses micro syringes to deliver picoliter to milliliter volumes. The microinjection syringe pump is optimum for applications that require injections of precise and small amounts of liquid. With its touchscreen controller, UMP3 microinjection syringe pump can displace as little as 0.53 µL/step (using 10 µL syringe with 60 mm scale length).

Patent Pending technology

The new SMARTouch™ controller for the UltraMicroPump3 features Patent Pending technology which includes:

  • Total system calibration – Calibrate the syringe and the controller together as a system. This feature eliminates the variability of the syringes and delivers the calibrated volume.
  • Smart smoothness – The controller can be set to automatically adjust microstepping according to the injection rate to deliver the smoothest flow.
  • User defined travel limits – Set the limits for a specific syringe in the software. This prevents the micro syringe pump from over-driving the plunger into the syringe, potentially causing syringe breakage.

The MICRO2T SMARTouch™ controller is feature rich. All operations are controlled through interactive touch screen. It has a graphical indication of the flow and the volume remaining in the syringe. It offers end stop detection that is dependent on the syringe volume. You can control two pumps independently from one controller with its dual display. It also has automatic pump detection and a Pause/Resume feature that allows dosing during infusion/withdrawal. The volume accumulated is displayed on screen, as well as the percentage of volume left in the syringe. The SMARTouch™ controller is fully compatible with all earlier versions of the UltraMicroPump.

Low Fluid Dead Volume

Syringes may be filled externally and then inserted into the pump or filled while mounted in the micro syringe pump. Fluids injected or withdrawn are held entirely within the micro syringe to maintain a low fluid dead volume.

Flexibility in Mounting

For positioning, the UMP3 microinjection syring pump may be attached to any of several WPI micropositioners such as the M3301 (manual), DC3001 (motorized) or any manual stereotaxic manipulator.

Rapid Setup with Intuitive Touchscreen Controller

An Integral component in the UMP3 system is the SMARTouch™ touchscreen controller, which provides an “intelligent” and easy-to-use interface up to two syringe pumps. Operating parameters are set with the touchscreen panel. An optional footswitch offers “hands free” start/stop operation.

Computer Control—A USB port on the rear of the controller can be used to connect it to a computer for scripted protocols.
NOTE: UMP3 accepts glass syringes with barrel diameters from 5.5 to 9 mm.


Application Notes

The following images show various setups for microinjection. Keep in mind that parts are interchangeable.



The SMARTouch™ controller can control two UMP3 microliter syringe pumps or Nanoliter Injector pumps simultaneously, either grouped together or independently.

RPE Kit in a custom holder 

RPE Kit in a custom holder

The RPE Kit is designed for retinal pigment epithelium injections in the eye, using a NanoFIl syringe mounted on the UMP3 microinjection pump. You get accurate, repeatable, oil free injections down to the submicroliter range.

UMP3 with Stereotaxic Frame  

UMP3 with MTM3

The UMP3 microinjection syringe pump is designed to be mounted on any standard stereotaxic frame. Here the microinjection pump is mounted on our motorized stereotaxic frame.

Ultramicropump specifications

(based on 10 μL syringe)

Normal Mode
Travel 62 mm
Minimum dispensing volume 0.58 nL / step (10 µL syringe)
Linear motion per step 3.175 µm/half step
Weight 325 g (11.5 oz)
Mounting rod diameters 7.9 mm (0.31 in.)
Mains power supply 90-264VAC @ 47-63Hz
Dimensions ∅ 32 mm x 190 mm (∅ 1.3 in. x 7.5 in.)


Microstepping Mode
Precision is increased eight-fold.


UMP3 Pump now compatible with Hamilton Neuro Series7000 Syringe

Video demonstrating how to add NEW plunger button part number 65259 (Call for pricing)



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One UltraMicroPump3 (UMP3) pump head with SMARTouch Controller

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Two UltraMicroPump3 (UMP3) pump heads with SMARTouch Controller

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UltraMicroPump (head only)

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SMARTouch Controller ONLY, Two-Channel

  • Graphic display with SMARTouch™ touch screen controller for "intelligent", easy to use interface controlling up to four microliter syringe pumps
  • Splash proof touch screen
  • User configurable mounting bar
  • Dual mode motor drive
  • Compatible with all UMP, UMP2 and UMP3 micro syringe pumps
  • Optional foot switch available
  • 5 digit display

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