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Researcher, University of Manchester

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PSI - Precision Systems and Instrumentation

PSI - Precision Systems and Instrumentation

Advancing the state-of-the-art in spinal cord and brain injury research

Our partner PSI - Precision Systems and Instrumentation makes the world's finest spinal and cortical impactors designed to support the needs of researchers.

IH-0415 (Infinite Horizon Impactor)

PSI engineers have developed a contusion device with unparalleled capabilities designed specifically for medical research using transgenic mice. This system provides researchers specializing in spinal injury with a unique tool to evaluate the cause and extent of injury to spinal cord structures.

TBI-0310 CCI Instrument

PSI engineers have developed a computer controlled cortical contusion device (CCI) designed specifically for medical research using transgenic mice. This system provides researchers specializing in head trauma injury with a unique tool to evaluate the cause and extent of traumatic brain injuries that removes the guess work.

Our Clients Include:

University College London
Imperial College
University of Cambridge
University of Oxford

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