World Precision Instruments

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Researcher, Imperial College National Heart and Lung Institute

Julian was fantastic, he patiently walked me through the steps for diagnosing issues with our syringe pump. We found it was a simple belt that was broken and he sent out a replacement part the same day.
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Mouse Specifics

Mouse Specifics

WPI Partner with Mouse Specifics to provide innovative solutions for the physiological study of models of human diseases. The instruments and services empower researchers to generate higher quality translatable data faster and at lower cost. Explore the resources here or contact us today to learn how Mouse Specifics can transform your pre-clinical research.


DigiGait is now the most widely published ventral plane videography instrumentation available for gait analysis in laboratory animals. Voluntary and treadmill walking, DigiGait performs gait analysis of mice and rats over a range of walking and running speeds.



The ECGenie is a rapid non-invasive solution for recording electrocardiograms in conscious mice, rats, and guinea pigs. Applications include arrhythmia detection, health monitoring, and drug screening in fragile transgenic and knockout animals, including pups



DigiGait is now the most widely published ventral plane videography instrumentation ...

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ECGenie Clinic

ECGenie Clinic

Awake Lab Animal ECG Clinic System

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Our Clients Include:

University College London
Imperial College
University of Cambridge
University of Oxford

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