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MicroSquisher - Micro-scale compression system

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The MicroSquisher is designed to perform compression testing on specimens between 50 and 2000µm with force resolutions as small as 0.05µN.

A micro-scale tension/compression test system

The MicroSquisher does what others can’t. Smaller specimens, better force resolution, easier test setups, and great visuals. It operates on the same principles as an atomic force microscope – cantilever mechnanics – but at much larger scale. Applications are diverse but include small tissue samples, hydrogel microspheres, cell spheroids, and engineered tissue growth matrix.

The MicroSquisher’s setup, operation and data collection software module allows for simple execution of standard or customized test protocols. Test parameters such as displacement magnitudes, durations and data/image collection rates are specified in a table format for quick access and modification. A template system is used to quickly reload the desired test parameters once a protocol has been established.

While the test is running, the software provides real-time results graphing and a live video feed to facilitate user monitoring of the test progress. Ask anyone who has used our equipment and they will be quick to tell you how intuitive and useful this software package really is.

Specimens & Mounting

Uncompressed and compressed hydrogel microsphere. Original diameter: 3mm Compression: 40%
Unstretched and stretched gel scaffold Original size: 3.3mm wide, 1.6mm thick Extension: 40% Mounting via 5 puncture pins at 0.7mm spacing Modulus was 490Pa

 Compressed air bubble Approximate size: 0.6mm 

 Compressed cell spheroid Approximate size: 500μm



MicroScale Mechanical Testing Examples

Mechanical Testing of Soft Gels using the CellScale MicroSquisher

Muscle Tissue Construct Testing at Kent State University

CellScale MicroSquisher Instructional Overview

Compression Test of a Hydrogel Microsphere

Hydrogel Tension Test

  Zebrafish Embryo Cell Spheroid Compression Testing





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Park, D. W., Sebastiani, A., Yap, C. H., Simon, M. A., & Kim, K. (2016). Quantification of Coupled Stiffness and Fiber Orientation Remodeling in Hypertensive Rat Right-Ventricular Myocardium Using 3D Ultrasound Speckle Tracking with Biaxial Testing. PLOS ONE, 11(10), e0165320.

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Seeto, W. J., Tian, Y., Winter, R. L., Caldwell, F. J., Wooldridge, A. A., & Lipke, E. A. (2017). Encapsulation of Equine Endothelial Colony Forming Cells in Highly Uniform, Injectable Hydrogel Microspheres for Local Cell Delivery. Tissue Engineering Part C: Methods, 23(11), 815–825.

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Tension and compression testing system

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