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Dr Andy MacKenzie, University of the West of Scotland

I have had dealings with WPI for several years and have consistently found their customer service to be second-to-none. They have always provided fast and insightful responses to any technical query and such support has been of enormous help to my laboratory.
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WPI partner with Cellix to provide microfluidic solutions with easy-to-use benchtop instruments and associated biochips for cell-based assays and particle studies including droplet generation assays.

Cellix Overview

Cellix range offers high-quality and effective microfluidic pumps, biochips, software and automated solutions for cell-based assays. Pairing with WPI’s fluidic knowledge enables us to remain at the forefront of the microfluidics industry and provide high-quality products and solutions, to guarantee consistent customer satisfaction.

Cellix Pumps

Cellix Microfluidic Pumps

Microfluidic Syringe Pumps

ExiGo Pump series is a microfluidic syringe pump controlled by SmartFlo software that can be run from a PC. Up to 4 ExiGo pumps can be plugged together with independent programming of each pump's flow profile.

  • Flow rate 10 nL/min to 13 mL/min
  • Standard syringes from 100 µL to 5 mL - use the automatic refill with ExiGo Manifold accessory
  • Programmable flow profiles with any combination of constant, ramp, sine and step
  • Fast switching - response times as low as 50 ms


Mirus Evo Pump is an 8-channel pulse-free microfluidic syringe pump. Syringe pump comes with the MultiFlow8 providing equal flow rates in each of the 8 channels.

  • Flow rate: 100 nL/min - 10 mL/min
  • Standard syringes: 100 µL, 250 µL, 500 µL, 1 mL, 5 mL glass syringes
  • Programmable with PC-controlled VenaFluxAssay software


Microfluidic Pressure Pumps

UniGo Pump series is a microfluidic pressure pump controlled by SmartFlo software that can be run from a PC. Connect up to 4 UniGo pumps together with independent programming of each pump's flow profile.

  • Flow rate 1 nL/min to 1 mL/min
  • Programmable flow profiles with any combination of constant, ramp, sine and step
  • Input pressure up to 10 bar (145 psi) via external compressor or vacuum pump required
  • Closed loop feedback - flow sensors provide active feedback and precise flow control

4U Pump series is a four channel pulse free microfluidic pressure pump controlled by SmartFlo software that can be run from a PC.

  • Flow rate: 1 µL/min - 1 mL/min
  • Programmable with PC-controlled VenaFluxAssay software
  • Input pressure up to 10 bar (145 psi) via external compressor or vacuum pump required
  • Closed loop feedback - flow sensors provide active feedback and precise flow control


Microfluidic Recirculating Pumps

Kima pump is a microfluidic recirculating pump designed to aid cell culture (e.g. endothelial cells) under physiological conditions (shear flow) in various biochips and flow chambers.

The Kima pump when used with the Vena8 Endothelial+ biochip offers 8 parallel microchannels and with additional Kima pumps the Kima controller can control and run up to 32 microchannels.

  • Flow rate ~250 µL/min to 600 µL/min.  If using Kima pump with Vena8 biochip range, the flow splitter will result in flow rates of ~30 - 75µL/min in each of the 8 channels of the biochip
  • Recirculating culture media saves reagents and no additional fluidic valves required
  • Incubator safe
  • Easy to use - control up to 4 pumps with same controller and iPod Touch



Cellix Biochips

Biochips For Cell Adhesion & Cell Culture Under Flow

Cellix Vena8 Fluoro+ Biochip

Cell-Ligand / Cell-Protein adhesion

Each biochip contains 8 capillaries in parallel which can be coated with different adhesion molecules for cell receptor-ligand (i.e. cell-matrix interactions) studies under shear flow.  

These biochips are compatible with confocal microscopy.

  • Under shear flow
  • Disposable biochip
  • Cell adhesion, rolling assays on ligand/protein coated channels
  • Ideal for platelet aggregation & thrombosis assays

Cellix Vena8 Fluoro+ Biochip Technical Notes


Cellix Vena8 Fluoro+ Biochip Protocol Notes


Product Code Product Description
V8CF-400-100-02P5 Vena8 Fluoro+ Biochip Pack 5
V8CF-400-100-02P10 Vena8 Fluoro+ Biochip Pack 10


Cellix Vena8 Endothelial+ Biochip

Cell culture & cell-cell adhesion

Each biochip contains 8 capillaries in parallel which can be seeded with endothelial cells for culture of 8 monolayers in parallel and subsequent study of cell-cell interaction studies under shear flow.

  • Under shear flow
  • Disposable biochip
  • Cell culture of endothelial cell monolayers in microchannel flow chambers
  • Cell-cell adhesion shear flow assays

Cellix Vena8 Endothelial+ Biochip Technical Notes


Cellix Vena8 Endothelial+ Biochip Protocol Notes


Product Code Product Description
V8EP-800-120-02P5 Vena8 Endothelial+ Biochip Pack 5
V8EP-800-120-02P10 Vena8 Endothelial+ Biochip Pack 10



Cellix Vena8 Biochip With Glass Coverslips

Cell-Ligand & cell-cell adhesion

  • Under shear flow
  • Disposable biochip
  • Flexibility with glass coverslip supplied unattached.
  • Glass coverslips may be treated with chelated Cu2+ ion tethered to the high density PEG-coating


  • Coverslip: 

  • Glass coverslip adhered

  • Glass coverslip not adhered

  • Adhesive layer adhered

  • Surface treatment of chip:

    • Not treated

    • Treated with Cu2+ histidine tag

    • Treated with NHS leaving group on PEG brush

  • Suitable for flow rates:
      • Low Flow rates (1600 µm x 160 µm channel size)

      • High Flow rates (800 µm x 80 µm channel size)

Cellix Vena8 Biochip With Glass Coverslips Technical Notes


Cellix Vena8 Biochip With Glass Coverslips Low Shear Flow Rates


Cellix Vena8 Biochip With Glass Coverslips High Shear Flow Rates


Product Code Product Description
V8GCS-A-NT-1600-160-P10 Vena8 with Glass Coverslips Adhered, Non-treated; Low Flow Rates; Pack 10
V8GCS-A-NT-800-80-P10 Vena8 with Glass Coverslips Adhered, Non-treated; High Flow Rates; Pack 10
V8GCS-NA-NT-1600-160-P10 Vena8 with Glass Coverslips Not Adhered, Non-treated; Low Flow Rates; Pack 10
V8GCS-NA-NT-800-80-P10 Vena8 with Glass Coverslips Not Adhered, Non-treated; High Flow Rates; Pack 10
V8-Adhesive-1600-160-P10 Vena8 with adhesive bottom layer; Low Flow Rates; Pack 10
V8-Adhesive-800-80-P10 Vena8 with adhesive bottom layer; High Flow Rates; Pack 10
V8GCS-A-T-Cu2+Htag-1600-160-P10 Vena8 with Glass Coverslips Adhered, Treated with Cu2+ histidine tag; Low Flow Rates; Pack 10
V8GCS-A-T-Cu2+Htag-800-80-P10 Vena8 with Glass Coverslips Adhered, Treated with Cu2+ histidine tag; High Flow Rates; Pack 10
V8GCS-A-T-NHS_02-1600-160-P10 Vena8 with Glass Coverslips Adhered, Treated with NHS leaving group on PEG brush; Low Flow Rates; Pack 10
V8GCS-A-T-NHS_02-800-80-P10 Vena8 with Glass Coverslips Adhered, Treated with NHS leaving group on PEG brush; High Flow Rates; Pack 10


Cellix Vena Delta Y1 Biochip

The VenaDeltaY1 biochips contain branching microchannels for dual flow / dual injection of samples.  Ideal for studying chemotactic gradients, dual flow, multilaminar flow & diffusion.

Each biochip contains 4 Y-shaped capillaries in parallel which can be coated with different adhesion molecules for cell receptor-ligand (i.e. cell-matrix interactions) studies under shear flow with dual-injection (chemotaxis experiments) or for investigation of thrombi formation at the Y-channel branch.

  • Branching Y-junction at input port
  • Mimic branching microvascular networks
  • Chemotaxis assays, dual flow, multilaminar flow & diffusion
  • Choice of channel size 400 µm (width) x 100 µm (depth) or 800 µm (width) x 120 µm (depth)

Cellix Vena8 Delta Y BiochipTechnical Notes


Product Code Product Description
V4DY1-400-100-1-1P10 VenaDeltaY1 Biochip Pack 10 (Minimum order of 6 packs) - channel size 400 µm (width) x 100 µm (depth)
V4DY1-800-120-1-1P10 VenaDeltaY1 Biochip Pack 10 (Minimum order of 6 packs) - channel size 800 µm (width) x 120 µm (depth)


Cellix Vena Delta Y2 Biochip

The VenaDeltaY2 biochips contain branching microchannels for dual flow / dual injection of samples.  Ideal for studying chemotactic gradients, dual flow, multilaminar flow & diffusion.

Each biochip contains 4 Y-shaped capillaries at both ends in parallel which can be coated with different adhesion molecules for cell receptor-ligand (i.e. cell-matrix interactions) studies under shear flow with dual-injection (chemotaxis experiments) or for investigation of thrombi formation at the Y-channel branch.

  • Branching Y-junction at input & exit ports
  • Mimic branching microvascular networks
  • Chemotaxis assays, dual flow, multilaminar flow & diffusion
  • Channel sizes:  600 µm (width) x 100 µm (depth)

Cellix Vena8 Delta Y BiochipTechnical Notes


Product Code Product Description
V4DY2-600-100-2-1P10 VenaDeltaY2 Biochip Pack 10 (Minimum order of 6 packs)

Cellix Vena Delta T Biochip

The VenaDeltaT biochip contains 4 T-junction shaped capillaries in parallel which can be coated with different adhesion molecules for cell receptor-ligand (i.e. cell-matrix interactions) studies under shear flow with dual-injection (chemotaxis experiments) or for investigation of thrombi formation at the T-channel branch.

  • 4 T-junction shaped capillaries
  • Channel sizes:  400 µm (width) x 100 µm (depth)
Product Code Product Description
V4DT-400-100-1-1P10 VenaDeltaT Biochip Pack 10

Cellix Vena Delta W Biochip

The VenDeltaW biochip contains 2 W-junction shaped capillaries and 1 Y-junction shaped capillary in the centre which can be coated with different adhesion molecules for cell receptor-ligand (i.e. cell-matrix interactions) studies under shear flow with dual-injection (chemotaxis experiments) or for investigation of thrombi formation at the W or Y-channel branch.

  • 2 W-junction shaped capillaries
  • 1 Y-junction shaped capillary
  • Channel sizes:  400 µm (width) x 100 µm (depth)
Product Code Product Description
VDW-400-100-1-1P10 VenaDeltaW Biochip Pack 10

Biochips For Transmigration

Vena T4

Chemotaxis, Transmigration, Invasion Assays, Organ-on-Chip, Culture on-chip.

Each biochip contains 4 capillaries in parallel with a membrane of pore size 2-10 um diameter separating them from a microwell underneath.  Chemoattractants can be placed inside the well for subsequent study of cell migration through the membrane under shear flow.

  • Under shear flow
  • Cell adhesion and transmigration under shear flow
  • Transmigration through microporous membrane into underlying microwell which may contain chemoattractant
  • Channel sizes:  400 µm (width) x 100 µm (depth)
  • Pores sizes:  choice of 2 µm; 5 µm; 8 µm or 10 µm

 VenaT4 Biochip Technical Notes


VenaT4 Biochip Protocol Notes


Product Code Product Description
VT4-400-100-2-1P10 VenaT4 Biochip Pack 10

Biochips For Droplet Generation & Microfluidic Studies


  • Droplet Generation
  • Under shear flow
  • 3 Droplet Generators & 1 splitter
  • High-throughput generation of microdroplets and monodispersed oils/emulsions

DropChips are fabricated from plastic (acrylic) and have a footprint of 40 mm x 50 mm (W x L).  Each DropChip contains:??

  • 1 x Flow Splitter and
  • 3 x Droplet Generator junctions:
    • 2 x Flow-Focusing junctions, single-injection dispersed phase
    • 1 x Flow Focusing junction with dual-injection dispersed phase

Cellix Vena Delta Y1 Biochip

The VenaDeltaY1 biochips contain branching microchannels for dual flow / dual injection of samples.  Ideal for studying chemotactic gradients, dual flow, multilaminar flow & diffusion.

Each biochip contains 4 Y-shaped capillaries in parallel which can be coated with different adhesion molecules for cell receptor-ligand (i.e. cell-matrix interactions) studies under shear flow with dual-injection (chemotaxis experiments) or for investigation of thrombi formation at the Y-channel branch.

  • Branching Y-junction at input port
  • Mimic branching microvascular networks
  • Chemotaxis assays, dual flow, multilaminar flow & diffusion
  • Choice of channel size 400 µm (width) x 100 µm (depth) or 800 µm (width) x 120 µm (depth)

Cellix Vena8 Delta Y BiochipTechnical Notes


Product Code Product Description
V4DY1-400-100-1-1P10 VenaDeltaY1 Biochip Pack 10 (Minimum order of 6 packs) - channel size 400 µm (width) x 100 µm (depth)
V4DY1-800-120-1-1P10 VenaDeltaY1 Biochip Pack 10 (Minimum order of 6 packs) - channel size 800 µm (width) x 120 µm (depth)


Cellix Vena Delta Y2 Biochip

The VenaDeltaY2 biochips contain branching microchannels for dual flow / dual injection of samples.  Ideal for studying chemotactic gradients, dual flow, multilaminar flow & diffusion.

Each biochip contains 4 Y-shaped capillaries at both ends in parallel which can be coated with different adhesion molecules for cell receptor-ligand (i.e. cell-matrix interactions) studies under shear flow with dual-injection (chemotaxis experiments) or for investigation of thrombi formation at the Y-channel branch.

  • Branching Y-junction at input & exit ports
  • Mimic branching microvascular networks
  • Chemotaxis assays, dual flow, multilaminar flow & diffusion
  • Channel sizes:  600 µm (width) x 100 µm (depth)

Cellix Vena8 Delta Y BiochipTechnical Notes


Product Code Product Description
V4DY2-600-100-2-1P10 VenaDeltaY2 Biochip Pack 10 (Minimum order of 6 packs)



Our Clients Include:

University College London
Imperial College
University of Cambridge
University of Oxford

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