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Ventilator for small animals

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CW-SAR1000 Small Animal Ventilator

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  • Pressure or volume-cycled
  • Wide tidal volume and rate range
  • User friendly
  • Mice to Guinea pig size

For rats, mice and other small animals, the versatile CW-SAR1000 ventilator is easy-to-use. You can deliver a fixed tidal volume with each breath (Volume mode) or set an airway pressure at which inflation stops (Pressure mode). In either mode, lung inflation is maintained at the end of inspiration until the percent inspiration (%Insp) time has elapsed. End inspiratory pause (IEP) improves gas exchange and efficiency of ventilation.
In volume mode, the ventilator operates on the proven flow-time principle, where a known airflow is delivered for a set time, delivering a fixed volume. In pressure mode, airflow is adjusted for a suitable inspiration time.
Actual tidal volume is computed and displayed on the LCD display, as well as minute ventilation (MV) and other respiratory parameters. A built-in air pump ensures self-contained operation. The pump draws in room air, oxygen or anesthetic gasses through a rear-panel port.


Simple, intuitive controls on the CW-SAR1000 let you set respiratory rate (RR). It displays as breaths/minute. Percent inspiration (%Insp) is the fraction of the total cycle time devoted to inspiration. Use the pressure knob to set the desired end-inspiratory pressure (and sigh pressure setting). Use the inspiratory flow knob to set the airflow rate during inspiration. The LCD display updates automatically with the new flow rate and corresponding tidal volume.
The volume and pressure modes are switch-selectable. In any mode, the front-panel pressure bar graph continuously displays the current airway pressure. Use an external data acquisition system to record the pressure signal.
Sighs are initiated manually by pressing the sigh pushbutton. On a sigh breath, the end inspiratory pressure is determined by the sigh pressure setting.


Advanced sensors for airflow and pressure insure the accuracy of respiratory parameters. The simple but versatile operating modes allow safe, long-term ventilation of small, delicate animals.
Remote computer control using the built-in USB port and a host PC is available. Basic control and monitoring software is provided, and specialized software packages are optional. Using such external control programs, it is possible to synchronize the ventilator for imaging purposes, do neural-controlled ventilation, constant-CO2 ventilation and much more.


The CW-SAR1000 comes complete with everything needed for immediate operation. It is fully compatible with oxygen and inhalational anesthestic gasses. Available options include:

  • Anesthesia Kit turns CW-SAR1000 into a compact anesthesia/ventilator
  • Mixing manifolds for combining air or oxygen with anesthetic gasses.
  • External valve assemblies for multiple animals or larger ones–The ventilator is expandable to multiple animals (or  larger animals) via a rear-panel expansion port. Ventilate up to five mice or rats.
  • A range of endotracheal tubes, connectors, tubing sets, etc.

NEW SAR-COMM Software brings advanced capabilities to the SAR-1000 Ventilator

By sending simple text command strings, the SAR-1000 is able to perform a variety of ventilator protocols including: stopping, starting, breath-holding, and running complete user-defined ventilation schemes.

The newly released SAR-CommVS software for Windows makes this remote control simple!  The major capabilities are:

  • Creating and downloading complete sets of ventilator parameters (resp rate, flows, pressures, etc.).
  • Using the built-in text editor, you can create simple Control Scripts for your custom protocol.
  • Commands include high-level directives (e.g., RR100, set resp rate to 100bpm), and low-level commands (e.g., I0, turn inspiration valve off).
  • Timing and looping commands create complete free-running ventilator programs, or 'repeat' functions will run a loop a set number of times before returning to local ventilator operation.
  • The user scripts and ventilator parameter sets can be saved and loaded from disk instantly.

The SAR-CommVS software is provided FREE to SAR-1000 ventilator users. Dowload your copy here.

Customizations are available.


Respiratory rate range 5-200 breaths/min
Tidal Volume range * 0.2 - 35ml
Inspiration/Expiration range (%Insp) 10–90%
Inspiratory flow rate range 00-1000 ml/min
Pressure control range 0-50.0 cmH2O
Internal air pump capacity 3LPM @ 5PSI (0.34 bar)
Analog pressure output voltage 50mV/cmH2O
Logic Sync Out voltage 5V (TTL)
Trigger in voltage 5V (TTL)
Remote-control interface USB
INSP, EXP, and PRES MONITOR ports (front panel) Luer female
PUMP IN, PUMP OUT, FLOW IN, EXP AIR, and IN VENT ports (rear panel) 0.15” flex tubing barb (4mm)
Power requirements 120/240VAC, selectable 
Dimensions 9Wx4Hx9D in (23x10x23 cm)


*Using internal valves. External valve assemblies available for larger animals.



Ding, H.-G., Deng, Y.-Y., Yang, R., Wang, Q.-S., Jiang, W.-Q., Han, Y.-L., … Zeng, H.-K. (2018). Hypercapnia induces IL-1β overproduction via activation of NLRP3 inflammasome: implication in cognitive impairment in hypoxemic adult rats. Journal of Neuroinflammation, 15(1), 4.

Gerringer, J. W., Wagner, J. C., Vélez-Rendón, D., & Valdez-Jasso, D. (2018). Lumped-parameter models of the pulmonary vasculature during the progression of pulmonary arterial hypertension. Physiological Reports, 6(3), e13586.

Huang, Y., Ratz, P. H., Miner, A. S., Locke, V. A., Chen, G., Chen, Y., & Barbee, R. W. (2017). AICAR Administration Attenuates Hemorrhagic Hyperglycemia and Lowers Oxygen Debt in Anesthetized Male Rabbits. Frontiers in Physiology, 8, 692.

Miranda, A., Roque, S., Serre-Miranda, C., Pêgo, J. M., & Correia-Pinto, J. (2017). Inflammatory response and long-term behavioral assessment after neonatal CO2-pneumothorax: study in a rodent model. Journal of Pediatric Surgery.

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