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Researcher, Imperial College National Heart and Lung Institute

Julian was fantastic, he patiently walked me through the steps for diagnosing issues with our syringe pump. We found it was a simple belt that was broken and he sent out a replacement part the same day.
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Kwik-Cast™ low toxicity adhesives for live tissues

Includes 2 x 5 ml cartridges of 2-part silicone and 10 mixing tips.

Kwik-Cast™ is a very low viscosity silicone sealant developed to embed peripheral nerves with electrodes for acute multi-fiber recordings. It flows easily, filling the small spaces around the nerve and leaving no channels through which peritoneal fluid can travel and thus short the nerve/electrode contact. Equally important is the ability of the material to flow into itself and create one continuous mass from underneath the nerve all the way to the top of the nerve/electrode contact to ensure long-term recording stability. Kwik-Cast is color-coded to make the mixing foolproof. The catalyst is yellow and the base is blue. When uniformly mixed, it is green. Kwik-Cast can be applied and cured underneath mineral oil. After recording, electrodes are easily recovered due to the low tear strength. The slight longer curing time (approx. 3 minutes) makes it more suitable for stationary preparations and in vitro tissue studies.

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KWIK-SIL / KWIK-CAST Instruction Manual
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Silicone sealant ideal for neuroscience applications, nerve studies and more

  • Biocompatible adhesive to seal live tissues
  • Embed peripheral nerves with electrodes
  • Pre-mixing tips simplify use (Includes 10 mixing tips)
  • Medium strength adhesion
  • Low toxicity
  • Rapid curing silicone adhesive, cure on contact
  • Cures without producing heat
  • The kit comes with (2) cartridges of 2 part silicone
  • Kwik-Cast dries green; Kwik-Sil surgical glue dries clear
  • Kwik-Cast dries a little slower than Kwik-Sil surgical glue

KWIK-CAST Overview

The properties of this bio-compatible surgical adhesive make it exceptionally useful for neuroscience applications, peripheral nerve studies and similar biomedical applications. These  silicone elastomers also eliminate the mess and time involved in pre-mixing other commonly used formulations (such as Wacker SilGel® and Sylgard®). Each silicone elastomer is packaged in a double barrel syringe and is automatically mixed when pressed out of the mixer tip provided. It can then be applied directly to the tissue without further mixing. The curing time of these silicone adhesives is short, reliable and reproducible. This eliminates potential costly guesswork when using other tissue adhesives. The curing process does not produce any heat, which can cause tissue damage. WPI's silicone elastomers are much less toxic than dental silicone, because they contain no surfactant additives..

The silicone adhesive inside the syringes cannot be sterilized by any means including UV, gamma, H2O2, autoclaving or EtO.

The exterior and the tips can be immersed in or wiped with 70/30 alcohol or you can use a liquid sterilant like Cidex OPA or Rapicide OPA.


WPI's silicone elastomers are based on recently developed vinyl terminated siloxane and platinum complex catalysts. They exhibit exceptional low toxicity before, during and after curing. The traditional RTV silicone systems produce either acetic acid or alcohol during condensation; these compounds are toxic to living cells. In contrast, the only by-product of condensation from WPI™s elastomers is a small amount of hydrogen gas, which was shown not to cause any effect on nerve activity in highly sensitive peripheral nerves. Both elastomers cure on contact with the tissue. Currently, WPI provides rapid-curing silicone elastomers in two different formulas:Kwik-Sil is a translucent silicone elastomer adhesive with medium viscosity. It has good adhesion and mechanical property (tear strength and elongation). The very short curing time (approx. 1 minute) make it especially useful for moving preparations.                                                                                                                                

Low Toxicity Silicone Adhesive

See for yourself why KWIK-CAST silicone adhesive is so popular for life science applications. When you are looking for a low toxicity adhesive with some elasticity and good moisture resistance, a silicone adhesive is the option of choice. When used with living tissue, an adhesive must be:

  • Non-toxic
  • Fast Curing
  • Able to adhere to organic and inorganic surfaces

Kwik-Sil Benefits, Low Toxicity, Fast Curing, Not Sensitive to Contamination


Kwik-Sil™ and Kwik-Cast™ silicone adhesives have very low toxicity before, during and after curing. The by-product of curing is a small amount of hydrogen gas, which is much less toxic to cells than acetic acid or alcohol from traditional RTV silicones. 

Kwik-Sil™ and Kwik-Cast™ have a curing speed that is hundreds of times faster than traditional RTV silicones. A curing time of a few minutes at room temperature is especially useful for encapsulation of live tissue or implanting into a live animal.

Kwik-Sil™ and Kwik-Cast™  surgical adhesives are not sensitive to contamination from animal tissue, unlike many vinyl-based silicones in which the platinum complex catalysts which are easily poisoned by contamination from amines and animal tissue.

Curing Time

The properties of this biocompatible adhesive make it exceptionally useful for neuroscience applications, peripheral nerve studies and similar biomedical applications. These  silicone elastomers also eliminate the mess and time involved in pre-mixing other commonly used formulations (such as Wacker SilGel® and Sylgard®). Each silicone elastomer is packaged in a double barrel syringe and is automatically mixed when pressed out of the mixer tip provided. The silicone sealant can then be applied directly to the tissue without further mixing. The curing time of these silicone adhesives is short, reliable and reproducible. This eliminating potential costly guesswork when using other tissue adhesives. The curing process does not produce any heat, which can  cause tissue damage. WPI's silicone elastomers are much less toxic than dental silicone, because they contain no surfactant additives.

The silicone adhesive inside the syringes cannot be sterilized by any means including UV, gamma, H2O2, autoclaving or EtO.
The exterior and the tips can be immersed in or wiped with 70/30 alcohol or you can use a liquid sterilant like Cidex OPA (WPI P/N 7364-4) or Rapicide OPA (WPI P/N 504611).

Kwik-Cast™ New Tip Design

Evom Transcellular and Paracellular Pathway of Ion or Electrical Current Flow

Kwik-Cast™ and Kwik-Sil™ now come with a new tip design. The new tip is engineered to minimize leakage.

Kwik-Cast™ Applications

Kwik-Cast™ silicone is based on technology with vinyl terminated siloxane and platinum complex catalysts. In order to cure at room temperature, special cross linkers and high catalyst concentration are used. Although the high concentration of catalysts makes these products more costly than traditional RTV silicones and less attractive for general usage, they provide an excellent value in applications for the biological research field. 

Kwik-Sil Applications Icons, Neuroscience, Nerve Studies, Biomedical Applications




  • Low toxicity surgical adhesive is ideal for biological applications in animal research
  • Rapid cure time


  • Neuroscience and nerve studies
  • Biomedical applications

Kwik-Sil and Kwik-Cast silicone adhesives have very low toxicity before, during and after curing. The by-product of curing is a small amount of hydrogen gas, which is much less toxic to cells than acetic acid or alcohol from traditional RTV silicone systems.

Kwik-Sil and Kwik-Cast curing speed is hundreds of times faster than traditional RTV silicones. A curing time of a few minutes at room temperature is especially useful for encapsulation of live tissue or implanting into a live animal. Unlike many vinyl-based silicones in which the platinum complex catalysts are easily poisoned by contamination from amines and animal tissue, Kwik-Sil and Kwik-Cast  surgical adhesives are not sensitive to contamination from animal tissue.

Kwik-Sil™ is a translucent, medium-viscosity silicone adhesive, developed for chronic peripheral nerve studies such as anterograde tracing with fluorescent indicators or electrode recording. Good adhesion and mechanical properties (tear strength and elongation) allow days of study without breaking of the bonding. Curing speed is very reproducible.

Kwik-Cast™ is a very low viscosity silicone sealant developed to embed peripheral nerves with electrodes for acute multi-fiber recordings. It flows easily, filling the small spaces around the nerve and leaving no channels through which peritoneal fluid can travel and thus short the nerve/electrode contact. Equally important is the ability of the material to flow into itself and create one continuous mass from underneath the nerve all the way to the top of the nerve/electrode contact to ensure long-term recording stability. Kwik-Cast is color-coded to make the mixing foolproof. The catalyst is yellow and the base is blue. When uniformly mixed, it is green. Kwik-Cast can be applied and cured underneath mineral oil. After recording, electrodes are easily recovered due to the low tear strength. The slight longer curing time (approx. 3 minutes) makes it more suitable for stationary preparations and in vitro tissue studies.


Kwik-Sil™ vs Kwik-Cast™

Kwik-Sil Vs. Kwik-Cast


Both Kwik-Sil and Kwik-Cast are silicone adhesives, but they are a little different.

Kwik-Sil is a translucent, medium-viscosity silicone adhesive, developed for chronic peripheral nerve studies such as anterograde tracing with fluorescent indicators or electrode recording. Good adhesion and mechanical properties (tear strength and elongation) allow days of study without breaking of the bonding. Curing speed is very reproducible.

Kwik-Cast™ is a very low viscosity silicone sealant developed to embed peripheral nerves with electrodes for acute multi-fiber recordings. It flows easily, filling the small spaces around the nerve and leaving no channels through which peritoneal fluid can travel and thus short the nerve/electrode contact. Equally important is the ability of the material to flow into itself and create one continuous mass from underneath the nerve all the way to the top of the nerve/electrode contact to ensure long-term recording stability. Kwik-Cast is color-coded to make the mixing foolproof. The catalyst is yellow and the base is blue. When uniformly mixed, it is green. Kwik-Cast can be applied and cured underneath mineral oil. After recording, electrodes are easily recovered due to the low tear strength. The slight longer curing time (approx. 3 minutes) makes it more suitable for stationary preparations and in vitro tissue studies.




KWIK-CAST Silicone Casting Compound (two 5-mL syringes)

MIX RATIO 1 to 1
WORKING TIME 4 minutes
SETTING TIME (ROOM TEMP., 1:1 RATIO) <10 minutes
COLOR green


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Replacement Mixing Tips for KWIK-SIL and KWIK-CAST. Package of 10. For use with the ...

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Kwik-Sil™ low toxicity silicone adhesive for live tissues.

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