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Dr Andy MacKenzie, University of the West of Scotland

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LWCC Injection System

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89372-2 LWCC Injection System 89372-2 LWCC Injection System 89372-2 LWCC Injection System - 360 view

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89372-2 LWCC Injection System - 360 View

  • Efficient injection of a sample into the loop
  • Minimize contamination and bubbles
  • Constant flow rate



The LWCC Injection System, together with a pump and liquid waveguide capillary cell (LWCC), provides an efficient, continual flow for injecting a sample through the LWCC. This system minimizes contamination and the formation of tiny bubbles that interfere with spectroscopic data recording. The pump provides a constant flow rate and pressure for the sample delivery.


Two large reservoirs (one for reference solution and one for waste) and four vials (for cleaning solutions and sample) are provided. This ingenious system has two modes:

  • In Load mode the pump continually runs the selected solution (usually reference) through the sample cell only. In this mode the syringe can be used to draw sample solution into the sample loop, loading the sample loop so that it is ready for introduction into the fluid flow path.
  • In inject mode the sample loop is included in the fluid flow path, and the pump pushes solution through the sample loop and the sample cell.This injection system minimizes contamination and the formation of tiny bubbles that interfere with spectroscopic data recording. The pump provides a constant flow rate and pressure for the sample delivery.

LWCC Injection System Setup


Wetted Materials PEEK®, PFA®, Vespel®, Teflon®
Flow Speed 0-10mL/minute
Sample Loop Volume 80-5,000μL (using 0.040" ID tubing)
Tubing OD 0.0625"
Sample Injection Method Induction syringe/peristaltic pump
Tubing ID 0.020" Orange PEEK
0.040" Natural PEEK
0.020" PFA
Fittings 1/4 - 28 Flangeless Fittings (Selection and
Injection Valves)
10 - 32 One-piece, finger-tight PEEK fitting
Maximum Valve Operating Temperature 80º C




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