Stand-Alone Xenon Arc Lamp and Power Supply- Overview
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LAMBDA-LS Datasheet
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LAMBDA-LS Instruction Manual
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- Xenon lamps provide light levels which exceed those of standard microscope fluorescence lamps
- Equipped with a cold mirror to eliminate IR heating of down stream optical components
- Compact stand-alone lamp housing/power supply enclosure
- Pre-aligned bulb eliminates common focusing problems
- Integrated hour meter for convenient monitoring of lamp life
- Allows use of optional liquid light guide for flexible direction of light output
- Easily accommodates Sutter Instrument 25mm filter wheels within the body of the lamp
- Can be coupled via a liquid light guide to many standard microscopes - Nikon, Zeiss, Leica and Olympus
- Microscope coupling requires special adapters (not included)
The Lambda LS is a stand-alone illuminator consisting of a xenon-arc lamp, lamp housing, cold mirror and power supply in a single enclosure. The Lambda LS is designed to be used with a liquid light guide which transmits remarkably flat, intense, illumination to the optical train of the user’s microscope or other instrumentation. The lamp’s cabinet accommodates a standard Sutter Instrument filter wheel that slides easily in and out of a slot in the light path. If desired, a second filterwheel can be mounted on the outside of the cabinet. When used with appropriate adapters, the light guide output is compatible with most common microscope systems.
Unlike the arc lamps used with most fluorescence microscopes, the 175W xenon bulb is pre-aligned using a parabolic mirror and does not require alignment, focusing or collimation. In the standard configuration, the Lambda LS bulb is capable of producing light output from 340nm to a cutoff of 700nm determined by the cold mirror. An optional enhanced UV bulb produces output much lower into the UV (cut off near 200nm). As with any UV generating light source, the optional bulb generates significant quantities of ozone and must be used in an adequately ventilated environment.
The Lambda LS utilizes a compact design, which places power supply, lamp house, arc lamp and cold mirror in a single enclosure. This system eliminates a common failure associated with standard arc lamp designs; when using a remote power supply aging may lead to a decreased ability to light the lamp due to loss of the insulating characteristics of the lengthy high-tension line. As with all our equipment, the power supply has been designed to minimize electrical noise that can be picked up by physiological recording equipment.
The liquid light guide can be coupled to the illumination port of most microscopes using an adapter which can be purchased separately. Please refer to the Microscope Adapters section for further information. Extended output ranges are possible with various cold mirror and light guide combinations. Phone Sutter to discuss your specific application requirements.
Catalogue Code and Description
LB-LS/FS17* Lambda LS with 175Watt full spectrum lamp
LB-LS/OF17 Lambda LS with 175Watt ozone free lamp
LB-LS/FS30* Lambda LS with 300Watt full spectrum lamp
LB-LS/OF30 Lambda LS with 300Watt ozone free lamp
LB-LS/OF30R1 Lambda LS with 300Watt ozone free lamp and cold mirror that reflects to 780nm
LB-LS/OF30IR2 Lambda LS with 300Watt ozone free lamp and cold mirror that reflects to 1100nm
LB-LS/FS30UV3 Lambda LS with 300Watt full spectrum lamp and cold mirror that reflects to 275nm
LLG Liquid light guide (2 meters, 3mm dia.), C-mount, lens and lens tube
LLG/3804 Liquid light guide (2 meters, 3mm dia.), C-mount, lens and lens tube
LLG/20005 Liquid light guide (2 meters, 3mm dia.), C-mount, lens and lens tube
LLG/2506 Liquid light guide (2 meters, 3mm dia.), C-mount, lens and lens tube
1 Order with LLG/380
2 Order with LLG/380 or LLG/2000
3 Order with LLG/250
4 Supports transmission into near IR
5 Supports transmission into IR. No output below 420nm
6 Supports transmission into UV
* Full spectrum bulbs produce ozone. Please be certain that you have proper ventilation. Contact Sutter for details.
DROP-IN Drop-in filter holder (25mm diameter)
O7776556 Replacement 3mm light guide (300 series)
O7776517 Replacement 3mm light guide (380 series)
6 Maximum UV transmission
7 Allows light input into near IR
O661176 Ozone free 175 Watt xenon bulb (attenuated output below 340nm) $670
O661175** Full spectrum 175Watt xenon bulb $670
O661301 Ozone free 300 Watt xenon bulb (attenuated output below 340nm) $670
O661300** Full spectrum 300 Watt xenon bulb $670
O661115 Housing and heat sink for bulb (bulb will be installed when ordered at the same time as housing) $285
*Please note that the above bulbs do not include the outer blue housing. If you need or want an extra housing, please contact Sutter by phone, fax or email.
** Full spectrum bulbs produce ozone. Please be certain that you have proper ventilation. Contact Sutter for details.
Mounting adapters for Nikon, Zeiss, Leica and Olympus microscopes are available.
Output Range
330nm to 650nm - ozone free
200nm to 650nm - full spectrum (NOTE: full spectrum produces ozone)
Lamp Type
175 or 300 Watt xenon (pre-aligned to produce collimated output)
Radiant Output
2.5 Watts (175W lamp)
4.5 Watts (300W lamp) (broadband, full beam)
Lamp Life
1000 hours (Bulb warranted for 500 hours. Longer life depends on application
Expected life is 1000 hours.)
Power Consumption
175 Watts or 300 Watts
10.5in x 9.5in x 10in | 26.7cm x 24.1cm x 25.4cm
10.5lbs | 4.8kg
120/240 Volts
50/60 Hertz power line
RoHS Compliant
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