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Janice Carter, University of Cambridge

The person in WPI I deal with is Julian Williams and he has been very helpful in sorting out any problems we may have and finding items that we require. He is very pleasant to deal with and I have used WPI for the last 8 years and I am very happy with the service that they provide us.
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F3000 LED Light Source

F3000 LED Light Source

LED light source for microscopy illumination, Life-Science and industrial applications, Brighter than a 150 W Halogen light source, Perfectly suitable for camera applications, Rippel- and flicker-free, LCD-Display

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The LED light source F3000 is utilized in many different applications due to the well-proven LED technology used. LED’s enable great light quality over a very long time while reducing maintenance costs dramatically in comparison to halogen lamps. After 30.000 hours usage the light source still has a light output of 70 % of the original brightness. The light source is perfecty applicable for camera applications as the light is rippel- and flicker-free and reaches daylight quality with filters.

The light source combines the advangates of LED lighting and a fiber-optic light source. Highest ligth intensity, cold light and low maintenance result in an illumination solution, which covers a broad variety of forms of lighting in industry and life-science


Type: light source
Illumination Technology: LED
Power supply: external power supply
Voltage: 100 – 240 VAC
Max. light guide diameter: light guide connector Ø 15 mm, galvanically separated, active diameter: max. 9 mm
Max. Lumen: approx. 640 lm at Ø 8 mm x 1.000 mm
Light guide type: standard fibers
Filter: yes
Features: 70 % reduction of energy consumption, controllable via USB, electric shutter, low-noise cooling fan




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