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I am really impressed by your very high level of customer service. I got a problem of our pump recently and contacted the service. Julian Williams replied me immediately and tried to resolve the issue with good suggestions. Meanwhile, she loaned me a pump which enabled me to carry out my experime...
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SYLGARD 184 Silicone Elastomer

2-part silicone elastomer, ideal for potting and encapsulating applications

This silicone elastomer has a very low dielectric constant sealing compound, which makes it ideal for patch clamping and many other lab applications, especially in electrophysiology applications.

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SYLG184 Data Sheet
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  • Flowable transparent encapsulant
  • Room temperature or heat cure
  • Rapid, versatile cure processing controlled by temperature
  • Good dielectric properties
  • High transparency allows easy inspection of components

Curing Time

Curing Time: 24 hours at 25ºC, 15 min. at 150ºC


A two-part Polydimethylsiloxane elastomerr, ideal for potting and encapsulating applications. Very low dielectric constant sealing compound used in patch clamping and many other lab applications. After cure, will with­stand -55° to 200 °C.

Sylgard 184 silicone elastomer base and curing agent is supplied as a two part kit comprised of liquid components. When the base and the curing agent are thoroughly mixed in a 10:1 weight ratio, the medium-viscosity liquid mixture has a consistency resembling SAE No. 40 motor oil. The liquid mixture will cure in thick or thin sections to a flexible, transparent elastomer ideally suited for electical/electronic potting and encapsulating applications.

Sylgard 184 silicone elastomer offers a flexible cure schedule from 25-150°C, without an exotherm. Sylgard 184 silicone elastomer requires no post cure and can be placed in service immediately following the completion of the cure schedule at an operating temperature from -55° to 200 °C. 

Sylgard 184 silicone elastomer is especially useful for applications where clarity is desirable. For more information, please refer to the manual.

Shipping Weight: 0.5 Kg




Szigligeti, P., Neumeier, L., Duke, E., Chougnet, C., Takimoto, K., Lee, S. M., … Conforti, L. (2006). Signalling during hypoxia in human T lymphocytes--critical role of the src protein tyrosine kinase p56Lck in the O2 sensitivity of Kv1.3 channels. The Journal of Physiology, 573(Pt 2), 357–70.

Habets, R. L. P., & Verstreken, P. (2011). FlAsH-FALI inactivation of a protein at the third-instar neuromuscular junction. Cold Spring Harbor Protocols, 2011(4), pdb.prot5597.


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