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Dr Gary Lawrence, Dublin City University

WPI are my preferred supplier for tissue and cell recording instrumentation. In my experience, WPI representatives have an excellent level of technical expertise and they have always responded in a timely manner with the most helpful, patient and instructive advice to aid the development of the o...
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Silver Filled Conductive Epoxy

  • Use in wire bonding applications
  • Connect conductors that can't be soldered
  • Construct or connect Ag/AgCl pellets

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4898 4898 Back 1 4898 Back 2

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4898 Instruction Manual
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Curing Time

12hrs@50C; 5 min.@150C


Two-component silver-filled epoxy for electrical connections which cannot be soldered, such as Ag/AgCl pellets. This widely used silver-filled epoxy features low viscosity and smooth flowing character. Pure silver is dispersed in both resin and hardener. Cures in 15 minutes at 120 °C. Mix ratio 1:1. May be premixed and frozen for later use.

Shipping Weight: 0.5 kg





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