World Precision Instruments

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Dr Gary Lawrence, Dublin City University

WPI are my preferred supplier for tissue and cell recording instrumentation. In my experience, WPI representatives have an excellent level of technical expertise and they have always responded in a timely manner with the most helpful, patient and instructive advice to aid the development of the o...
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Premixslip Instrument Lubricant and Rust Inhibitor

  • A 10-minute soak keeps surgical instruments looking new
  • High-grade mineral oil lubricant and rust inhibitor
  • Steam penetrable, steam sterilizable and ETO sterilizable
  • Non-oily, non-sticky, non-toxic and silicone free
  • 16 oz. Spray bottle

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  • Prevents rust, spots, stains and corrosion, prolonging the life of your instruments
  • Prevents damage due to misuse of stiff or grinding instruments
  • Routine use enhances the life and efficiency of instruments
  • Greatly reduces repair and replacement cost


  • Lubricate and inhibit rust on all your surgical instruments

Premixslip® is a non-sticky, non-toxic, silicone-free and water soluble mineral oil lubricant that can withstand the high temperatures of autoclaving without becoming gummy. Forming a protective barrier on surgical instruments, Premixslip® prevents rusting, staining and spotting while restoring articulation to sticky box-locks and joints.

See the current Data Sheet.





Our Clients Include:

University College London
Imperial College
University of Cambridge
University of Oxford

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