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Researcher UCL, Institute of Ophthalmology

I am really impressed by your very high level of customer service. I got a problem of our pump recently and contacted the service. Julian Williams replied me immediately and tried to resolve the issue with good suggestions. Meanwhile, she loaned me a pump which enabled me to carry out my experime...
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WPI Swiss Tweezers High Precision Set, 5 Pieces

  • High precision set of 5 forceps
  • Antimagnetic, Acid resistant stainless steel
  • For more information see details and specification

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General Notes

  • low carbon austenitic steel (Material number 1.4435, DIN X2CrNiMo18-14-3, AISI number 316L)
  • contains from 16.5 to 18.5 wt% chromium and has important quantities of nickel and molybdenum as additional alloying elements
  • non-magnetic
  • good corrosion resistance to most chemicals, salts and acids
  • generally used where corrosion resistance and toughness are primary requirements
  • typical applications include tweezers for the electronic industry, watch-makers, jewelers and laboratory and medical applications in moderately aggressive chemical environments



Mechanical properties:

State annealed
Density 8.0 g/cm³
hardness HB30 ≤215
Hardness Rockwell B 79
Tensile strength, ultimate 500-700 MPa
Tensile strength, yield 290
0.2% Yield stress ≤200 MPa
Elongation, break 40%
Modulus of elasticity 200 GPa

Thermal properties

Coef. of lin. therm expansion 16.0 E-6/°C 20°C-100°C
Coef. of lin. therm expansion 17.0 E-6/°C 20°C-300°C
Specific heat capacity: 0.50 J/(g·K)
Thermal conductivity: 15W/(m·K)
Continuos use temperature: 350°C
Max service temperature, ait 925°C

Electrical properties

Resistivity 0.75 E-4




Our Clients Include:

University College London
Imperial College
University of Cambridge
University of Oxford

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