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Researcher, University of Bristol

Our lab was interested in purchasing a syringe pump from WPI. The company's support was helpful in identifying the required model and even informed us of model-specific limitations (which were of no concern for our intended use). The overall processing and delivery was exceedingly fast – less tha...
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Metabolic Assessment System

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MC-TA-300_600 Screenshot

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  • Compact and portable
  • Affordable, request a quote
  • Quick set up and easy report generation.
  • Customizable report allows you to compare your client’s results with normative data.
  • Store and compare multiple test results in a single report to verify that the  training regiment is working.
  • Measures both O2 and CO2,  increasing confidence in results.

The MC-TA-300V is optimized for human metabolic assessment and training applications. Measure VO2max as well as resting rates. The system includes the GA-300 Gas Analyzer,TA control module, spirometer, Polar Heart Rate Monitor/Transmitter/Receiver, mixing chamber and LabScribe software with the Metabolic Calculations Module.

The MC-TA-300V System is suitable for recording and measuring:

  • Basal Metabolic Rate (BMR)
  • Resting Metabolic Rate (RMR)
  • Respiratory Exchange Ratio (RER)
  • Sedentary to light activity VO2 and VCO2

The system includes:

GA-300 CO2 and O2 Gas Analyzer

A-CAL-150 Gas Analyzer Calibration Kit

IX-TA-220 TA Control Module with 2 iWire Digital Interfaces and Built-in Low and High Voltage Stimulators

A-FH-1000 Resuable 1000L Spirometry Flow Head

A-CBT-1011 Clean Bore Tubing PHRMP-220 Polar(R) Heart Rate Monitor Transmitter/Receiver Set

A-ST-600 Replacement Silicon Tubing for 300L and 1000L Flow Heads

A-GAK-201s Face Mask, Head Gear Assembly and non-rebreathing valve

A-GAA-MC 5-Liter Mixing Chamber LS-30MC LabScribe Software with Metabolic Module







4-Channel Data Acquisition

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