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Researcher, Imperial College National Heart and Lung Institute

Julian was fantastic, he patiently walked me through the steps for diagnosing issues with our syringe pump. We found it was a simple belt that was broken and he sent out a replacement part the same day.
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Combination pH Electrode, low noise

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  • Superior stability
  • Fast response
  • Minimum sodium (alkaline) error
  • pH 0-14 (full range measurement)
  • Special internal fill offers full range linear temperature compensation
  • Very low sensor glass membrane resistance
  • Zero and Isopotential: ~pH 7
  • Unique designed electrodes fit almost all kinds of pH meter


WPI's pH-Silver, single/double-junction, gel-sealed Ag/AgCl combination pH electrodes are very low noise. They are designed for both laboratory and field use, especailly for applications involving strong magnetic fields. The unique feature of these electrodes provide unparalleled performance.


Bulb shape Ball
Body Material/Color Epoxy/Blue
Type of Reference Ag/AgCl
Sealed/Refillable Gel-sealed
pH Range 0-14
Junction Material Ceramic Wick
Junction type Single
Max. Temperature 80°C
Dimensions 12 x 115mm
Cable Length 1.0mm
Connector BNC




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University College London
Imperial College
University of Cambridge
University of Oxford

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