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Researcher, Imperial College National Heart and Lung Institute

Julian was fantastic, he patiently walked me through the steps for diagnosing issues with our syringe pump. We found it was a simple belt that was broken and he sent out a replacement part the same day.
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Multiple Input Type T Thermocouple Thermometer, battery powered (order probes separately)

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BAT-10R/LOP220 Multiple Input Type T Thermocouple Thermometer

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  • Super accurate
  • Fast response
  • Analogue output signal
  • Multiple inputs (accepts 3 inputs)
  • Differential temperature measurements


A Microprobe Thermometer is the instrument of choice for biological and laboratory temperature measurements. These thermometers are very versatile, providing fast response, high accuracy and stability with digital display and analogue signal for connection to a computer or recorder. With the wide selection of probes, the instruments can be used in almost any application.

Thermocouple Compatibility

The thermometers can be used with any “Type T” thermocouple.


Three input "Type T" Thermocouple Thermometer, battery powered (order probes separately)

A versatile thermometer with 3 temperature ranges

  • -200°C to +400°C, 1°C resolution
  • -100°C to +199.99°C, 0.1°C resolution
  • Differential Temperature Range: -19.99° to +19.99°C, linearization centered at 40°C, 0.01° resolution

This versatile thermometer has a wide temperature range and can be used in applications as diverse as cryogenic measurements for blood banking and cryosurgery, skin temperature measurements in exercise experiments, liquid measurements in spectrophotometer cuvettes, melting points of plastics and all types of animal and insect temperature measurements.

BAT-10 accuracy is NIST traceable and in each temperature range accuracy is the same as the resolution. For instance, in the 0.1°C range, accuracy is 0.1°C (± least significant digit).

Differential Measurements

When probes are connected to inputs 2 and 3, the difference between the probes is displayed to 0.01°C. Linearization is center at 40°C. Because the BAT-10 has such high accuracy and sensitivity, measurements accurate to 0.01°C can be made around this point. Repeatability, which is most important for this type of measurement, is 0.01°C. If a stable reference such as OST-6 is connected to input 2 of the BAT-10, the absolute temperature of probe 3 can be easily calculated, to 0.01°C, by adding the differential reading to reference temperature.

Analogue Linearized Output

This model is supplied with a linearized analogue output which is directly proportional to the reading on the display.


Temperature Range & Resolution
  • -200° to +400°C, 1°C res.
  • -100°C to 199.9°C, 0.1°C res
  • Differential range: -19.99°C to +19.99°C, 0.01°C res.
  • 1° range: 1°C ± least significant digit
  • 0.1° range: 0.1°C ± 1 least significant digit
  • Diff. range: 0.01°C ± 1 least significant digit
Ambient Operating Range 15-45°C
Calibration Conformity Conforms to NIST tables - (monograph 175)
Sensors Type T Thermocouple


Batteries 4 alkaline ''C'' cells
Power Supply Battery operated
Dimensions 8.5''W x 9''D x 3.5''H (22 x 23 x 9 cm)
Weight 1.4 Kg


Inputs 3
Input Socket Type T
Analogue Output

Linearized Output:

  • 10mV/°C with 0.1°C range selected
  • 1mV/°C with 1°C range selected

3 1/2 digits, LCD




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