Penta 5-in-1 Analgesia System
- Electronic von Frey, Plethysmometer, Randall Selitto Meter, Grip Strength Meter and Rodent Pincher Meter
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This special package offers five tests, including Electronic von Frey, Plethysmometer, Randall Selitto Meters, Grip Strength Meter and Rodent Pincher Meter. You get all five test modules and the electronic controller that is interchangeable with all five systems. The electronic controller has up to three inputs, so you can perform up to four unique tests with only one electronic system. If you prefer, you may build your system and you grow. Because of the modular design of these fivesystems, you need to order only one complete system. Then, the modules for the other four tests, which integrate into the system, can be purchased separately, as needed. The stand and sling for the Randall Selitto test are sold separately (II-2650).